Looks like a nice little box

Story: Review: ZaReason Makes Desktop Linux A BreezeTotal Replies: 2
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Dec 13, 2008
7:54 PM EDT
The base specs look about like those of your typical netbook. Plenty of power for the average user.

If you really want to drool, check out their latest laptop: http://www.zareason.com/shop/product.php?productid=16188&cat...

I'm waiting for them to release a new MythTV box (they said they are planning one with digital tuners and such) because my few attempts at setting one up myself haven't gone very well (and I don't have any digital tuners anyway).

Of course, I found his comment about not wanting to recycle old machines odd. It's not like installing current distros is all that complicated. Even if someone does choose to buy a new machine instead of going through the "hassle" of refreshing an older machine with Linux, they shouldn't be throwing it away. They should keep it or give it to someone who has the desire to resurrect older machines. Of course, I generally tend to be of the opinion that computers and parts should never be tossed until they are actually dead. :) As my basement can attest to....lol. You never know when that old P133 might come in handy (or that old Hercules video card....). hehehe.

Dec 13, 2008
9:25 PM EDT
I LOVE how Zareason replaced the Windows key on the keyboard with an Ubuntu key. A little thing, and yet a big thing- big cluefulness, at least.

Dec 13, 2008
9:54 PM EDT
aye. Of course I would prefer a Tux key, but considering they preinstall Ubuntu, it's understandable. And of course the "Powered by Ubuntu" sticker on the laptop in place of those silly "Powered by Vista" stickers.

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