Hardware Dev costs money too!

Story: Warning: Don't Buy A Kindle Until You Read ThisTotal Replies: 5
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Nov 20, 2008
2:46 PM EDT
I think it's unrealistic to ask Amazon to re-design the device *and* give it away.


Nov 20, 2008
3:17 PM EDT
I've seen the Sony version of the Kindle. Both share a lot of the same hardware, and for me that screen is a huge drawback. It just isn't all that clear or detailed, and it's black and white only.

A better-looking, faster-refreshing screen is what an e-reader needs to be worth it.

Nov 20, 2008
3:36 PM EDT
I saw a comment on this somewheres that I thought was worth repeating-- what happens to all those Kindle books you "buy"? Can you give them to your kids and friends when you're done with them? Will they still be around in a few years to re-read or share?

Nov 20, 2008
3:51 PM EDT
Exactly TC. I'll take "digital books" when they're released as PDF or some other decent format with no DRM on them. Otherwise, I'm not interested.

Nov 20, 2008
5:07 PM EDT
Better off to use a netbook, I think, to read PDF or HTML or ODF or DOC or TXT or PS or ABW or or or files. Most of what I read is from the internet anyway, why waste the money on a Kindle? With a netbook you can read and surf and play music and work on documents and and and....

I also prefer a real book. If real books were regulated and protected like their digital counterparts, I would be a pirate many times over. Nice feeling, that.

Nov 20, 2008
6:49 PM EDT

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