Linux/FOSS and Politics

Story: Linux/FOSS and Politics Go Together Like Cheese and CrackersTotal Replies: 1
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Nov 08, 2008
5:37 PM EDT
TC, Good article, the comments were a lot like what we see here on LXer. You have done something that got you a spot on a Linux publication. Whatever that was, it has given you a forum to wail and lament about Linux and all the little connections to Linux YOU see. Linux does not exist in a vacuum. Keep going!

You did forget to mention the Tin Foil Hat Squadron ( I am a Colonel there to) and many of us suspect that politics is a conspiracy not the cause of.

Kudos for the mention of Lawrence Lessig. Nobody knows just how huge Prof. Lessig is.

Boys and girls, this is NOT about YOU, its all about Linux.

Nov 08, 2008
10:48 PM EDT
It *is* about my ability to use Linux for any legitimate purpose, without interference from the government, Microsoft, Adobe, Nvidia, the MafIAA...

So, in that sense, it is about me.

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