This is funny

Story: Anti-piracy day? No thanksTotal Replies: 4
Author Content

Oct 22, 2008
2:45 AM EDT
Just today one of our blokes has been testing some software that clones Windows servers to a virtual machine while they are running. It seems to do the job quite well, of course it's expensive for the license to use it. So he creates a clone, and fires up the virtual machine, only to be greeted by a message stating, the hardware has changed, you need to reregister the license key. So there a flurry of activity as the boss tries to find out what license arrangements they have for this sort of thing, and how much it will cost to license these test machines he intends to create.

Ahh the joys of software you can never actually own. Writing thse little missives keeps me sane until I can move on.

Oct 22, 2008
3:02 AM EDT
Can you send him a little "Ha-ha!" note?

You know, just to rub his nose in it.

Oct 22, 2008
3:20 AM EDT
It gets even funnier, it turns out they can't allocate a new license key to the clone, as it never prompts for a new key, just for them to reactivate the existing key. which is, of course not possible, as the key is currently in use on a physical machine.

And to make it even funnier, the part of the company, which is located in another country, doesn't have a bulk license agreement with Microsoft.

Ahh the joys of software you never get to actually own.

Oct 22, 2008
8:24 PM EDT
arrrrr - who said it was anti-pirate day

pirates are good - they save the rum!

Oct 23, 2008
12:07 AM EDT
And beat the DRuM!

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