What the he#$ is he talking about

Story: The Short Life Expectancy of the Virtualized DesktopTotal Replies: 8
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Sep 19, 2008
9:18 PM EDT
My desktop doesn't use any bandwidth. "his" webtop will, and lots of it.

Sep 19, 2008
11:43 PM EDT
> My desktop doesn't use any bandwidth...

And in many places, bandwidth is much harder to get or more expensive than desktop hardware.

Sep 20, 2008
1:39 AM EDT
I think this cloud computing fad will pass as there are too many variables that would prevent its wide spread use.

My cable provider just imposed a bandwidth limit per month--something that would be a serious obstacle for cloud computing. Wouldn't it be a shame to not be able to access your data because the increased bandwidth of the cloud caused you to go over your limit?

With a fat terminal on my desktop, I can get on the network--or compute off of it without using any bandwidth and be in control of my data. I have a choice. And this kind of choice is something most users won't want to give up--especially where their data is concerned.

Also, consider the new "net tops" and portable net devices that are coming on the market. If they ever replaced the current computer then us Linux advocates will have no system to call our own--to configure, customize, or protect.

I think the cloud computing paradigm has more negatives than pluses and would require us giving up a lot of the freedoms we now enjoy as computer users.

No thanks...I like things the way they are.

Sep 20, 2008
2:37 AM EDT
Our esteemed editor takes the liberty of "correcting" my spelling of the word hell, but doesn't bother to correct my typo where I wrote "OO.o 3.x if great" instead of "OO.o 3.x is great", how sad is that.

Sep 20, 2008
2:54 AM EDT
Don't worry, tracyanne. With you as the first commenter, we know full well what double-consonant you had in there. ;-)

Sep 20, 2008
10:32 AM EDT
I admit to preferring a "fat client" myself.

While I can see fantastic uses for thin clients in a single facility environment, such as an office or school, we must face the fact that "The Network" will sometimes "NotWork".

Browser-based applications I like very much, again with the awareness that if the network isn't working then neither are the applications. I can do without email for hours or days, but if I'm writing a paper I can do lots of work on it even if the network is down.

I would also mention the "target of opportunity" issue. Centralized databases are more hazardous for the same reason that aircraft carriers are called "bomb magnets".

Sep 20, 2008
12:24 PM EDT
I Love you too tracyanne, fixed your 'if' as well.


Sep 20, 2008
4:46 PM EDT
Thank you Scott.

Sep 20, 2008
8:25 PM EDT
Get a (virtual) room!

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