
Story: Mandriva Technology PartnersTotal Replies: 6
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Sep 19, 2008
9:26 AM EDT
Who would you be surprised by? Or is it a case of not knowing who they where working with because Mandriva wasn't clanging their bell ever 15 minutes like other distros?

Sep 19, 2008
6:01 PM EDT
Well, given all the hype over Dell and Ubuntu, and not a Mandriva Server or Desktop in sight, as far as I can tell (hell there's hardly an Ubuntu machine in sight, at least where I live, from Dell), I thought Dell was rather a surprising entry.

And then given the claims I've read recently that Mandriva doesn't play nice with ATI cards, I thought ATI rather surprising.

Sep 20, 2008
8:01 AM EDT
I'm not surprised at Dell being there, they seem to work together to get Mandriva hardware support. Out of the box on my Vostro 1700, Mandriva is the only distro to properly use the multimedia keys. I didn't even think about it as something usable with other distros, even PCLOS and Red Hat, but then I accidently hit the mute button one day and realized Driva had 'em working.

Sep 20, 2008
3:51 PM EDT
Quoting:I'm not surprised at Dell being there

You shouldn't be. The first Linux-laptops Dell shipped AFAIK were with Mandriva; three years ago. I remember because I posted the story to LXer IIRC. Ubuntu was only one year old back then!

However, a lot of people look no further than the border of their own country, and therefore missed Dell did a 'test' with Linux three years ago.

Sep 20, 2008
6:14 PM EDT
Quoting: However, a lot of people look no further than the border of their own country,

HAHA, welcome to the new America! There are only two countries...US and THEM. Sad.

Sep 20, 2008
6:19 PM EDT
I remember that now

http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Desktops-and-Notebooks/Dell-Offers-... and http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS4003236538.html and http://news.softpedia.com/news/First-Laptop-From-Dell-With-L... and http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2005-09-16-01...

Sep 20, 2008
7:22 PM EDT
Quoting: ... THEM ['s fighting words!]

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