
Story: Layers: The Complete Guide to Photoshop's Most Powerful FeatureTotal Replies: 9
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Aug 11, 2008
9:55 PM EDT
Proprietary software that only runs on proprietary operating systems...c'mon, trip! While I won't argue the technical merits of Photoshop, I will point out that Adobe is far from FOSS-friendly and prone to the same exclusionary and data-hostage-taking efforts of MS and the like. An article showing people how to do PS-style work in GIMP or Krita would be great, but this is a pointless posting at this site because it does not apply to FOSS at all.

Aug 11, 2008
10:20 PM EDT
Hmm.. I don't know how that ended up in the newswire, but I've removed it.

Aug 12, 2008
2:49 AM EDT

Aug 12, 2008
2:22 PM EDT
At my company, I have one task for which Photoshop is regularly used to work on images with multiple layers (actually about 15 to 20 per image).

The designer who does this relies heavily on type effects that are exclusive to Photoshop.

But ... do I have Photoshop on my PC? No. Do I want it? Also no.

Well, it turns out that the GIMP allows you to work in layers extremely well. The GIMP doesn't have the extensive type effects that Photoshop has, but one could (and should) argue that advanced effects in type isn't the kind of thing you use an image editor for.

Think along with me: The Adobe-equipped artist would probably use Illustrator to work with type in images ... so I tried Inkscape.

Turns out there's quite a bit you can do as far as type effects go in Inkscape (and I can do it both in Windows and in Linux), and Inkscape also works in layers.

So the end result is that the task handled by expensive proprietary applications (Photoshop/Illustrator) can be done extremely well in FOSS apps (GIMP/Inkscape).

My next task for which I need a good FOSS app is video editing. I desperately want to replace Apple's iMovie (and, to an extent, Final Cut) with a FOSS video editing application.

I need to be able to bring in secondary audio and layer it over video clips. From what little I know, I think Cinelerra is the app I need to be looking at. I also saw one called LiVES (http://lives.sourceforge.net/). Here is an extensive list from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_editing_software#...

I don't think Kino will do what I need as far as laying the audio over the video, but I could be wrong.

Does anybody have any video-editing experience in Linux that they care to share?

Aug 12, 2008
8:09 PM EDT
Not pertinent to layers, but:


Made using my digital camera, MPlayer, pnmarith, ppmtojpeg, and a couple Bash scripts. No GUI needed!

Aug 12, 2008
8:18 PM EDT
But gus3, your end product is GUI, and that's wrong. This shows the Pure ASCII Way: http://www.asciimation.co.nz/

Those images are great, nice work. Though one thing is puzzling- why is there an underwater driveway?

Aug 12, 2008
9:05 PM EDT
No, the end product didn't require a GUI. I can re-create the entire set of images with no GUI at all.

And the ASCIImation method requires JavaScript, which brings its own problems. Is that site trustworthy?

I think the underwater driveway is just for the park's ambiance. Actually, it normally has just 2 or 3 inches of water over it. To build a bridge would involve extra expense for operating the park, between engineering, construction, maintenance, and inspection. This is just a lot simpler.

(Kind of like the difference between DOS and Vista! ;-)

Aug 12, 2008
9:57 PM EDT
Steven, maybe this would help a bit: http://lwn.net/Articles/262985/ It's from January and it's a possibility that some things changed since then :)

Aug 13, 2008
2:54 AM EDT
> Does anybody have any video-editing experience in Linux that they care to share?

I think Dinotrac's been playing around with Cinelerra and others. He hasn't been posting much lately, so you might try dropping him an email.

Aug 13, 2008
4:48 PM EDT
Looks like Cinelerra is what I'll start with.

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