Story: Vyatta changes the networking gameTotal Replies: 12
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Aug 04, 2008
8:03 PM EDT
1.8Ghz and 512MB RAM? Seems a bit overkill.... lol

And this isn't exactly new...lots of us have been using linux boxes for routers for quite a while....

That said,their distro could be interesting if it combines all the common features and makes management easy. And the appliance could be cool.


Aug 04, 2008
9:11 PM EDT
Overkill? For your home lan maybe

OTOH a stateful firewall sitting between your typical corporate network and a T-3 internet connection might require a wee bit more in the way of resources...

Come to think of it, such a machine is about the right spec for my home lan. I like to have low latency for gaming.

Aug 04, 2008
9:30 PM EDT
haha. My router/firewall/etc. is currently a Duron 700 with 92MB ram. No gigabit on either end though.

Aug 04, 2008
10:17 PM EDT
My current router/firewall is a pentium 500 with 256 MB RAM - but it's also doing dns, dhcp and secondary MX duties... I am pretty sure I feel a difference in gaming latency compared to when I had a 1.8 Ghz machine with 1 GB RAM doing that job.

Aug 05, 2008
4:53 AM EDT
Firewall? What's a firewall?

...just kidding.

I manage four locations and recently replaced 4 Watchguard boxes that simply weren't reliable and lacked many of the features we desired. Now we have dual core 2.4Ghz, 2Gig RAM, boxes firewalling, squid caching, Dan's guardianing, OpenVPNing, SMTP proxying, anti-virusing, anti-spamming, time serving, traffic shaping, and snorting. (I'm sure I've missed something obvious.)

BTW, anybody have an interest in used Watchguards?

Aug 05, 2008
6:35 AM EDT
Used Watchguards make great paperweights, but that's about it.

Aug 05, 2008
7:07 AM EDT
How about some sport? Watchguard tossing?

Aug 05, 2008
8:03 AM EDT
They do make excellent boomerangs. The best part is that when you toss them away, they don't come back.

Aug 05, 2008
8:27 AM EDT
Quoting:Now we have dual core 2.4Ghz, 2Gig RAM, boxes firewalling, squid caching, Dan's guardianing, OpenVPNing, SMTP proxying, anti-virusing, anti-spamming, time serving, traffic shaping, and snorting.

Oooh nice. I'm doing firewalling, squid, dan's, time, dns, and dhcp on mine (I think that's it).

Aug 05, 2008
8:34 AM EDT
Ye gawds. What a case for 'whitelist only.' Just poke a tiny pinhole in your vast defenses to allow the 1% of legitimate traffic through.

Aug 05, 2008
8:52 AM EDT
hehe. I so wish we could do whitelisting with the email server at the college. We can't even do rdns (I believe it is) because several places the faculty and staff HAVE to communicate with (like the local hospital because of our medical programs, etc) don't setup their mail/dns servers properly (ahh...gotta love it. Buy a windows server, do minimal configuration of mail and dns services, toss it on the net). As it is our filtering system (amavis) is catching about 14k spams a day right now.


Aug 05, 2008
9:51 AM EDT
>> Ye gawds. What a case for 'whitelist only.' Just poke a tiny pinhole in your vast defenses to allow the 1% of legitimate traffic through.

That reminds me, I forgot RBLing and greylisting.

Aug 05, 2008
9:55 AM EDT
>> As it is our filtering system (amavis) is catching about 14k spams a day right now.

I've gotcha by a few. I'm blocking 39k per day before it ever hits the spam filter.

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