Birthing pangs

Story: New Search Engine Cuil "analyzes the Web, not its users"Total Replies: 0
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Jul 28, 2008
9:38 AM EDT
At this time, Cuil's 'About Us' page has a tendency to 404-out (or whatever the term du jour is for this), giving an error of
Quoting:Oops! We couldn’t find that page.

Please verify that the URL is correct and try again.
Also at this time, the main Cuil search engine is getting many hits and is causing slow-loading throughout its system. Today's Press Release listed at gives a summary of Cuil’s features:
Quoting: * Biggest Internet search engine—Cuil has indexed 120 billion Web pages, 3x more than any other search engine * Organized results—Cuil’s magazine-style layout separates results by subject and allows further search by concept or category * Different results—Unlike other search engines, Cuil ranks results by the content on each page, not its popularity * Complete privacy protection—Cuil does not keep any personally identifiable information on users or their search histories
Apparently, fast-speed is not one of Cuil's current feature strengths.

A Cuil search for 'LXer' first gave zero results, and now gives over 86,000 search results. A two-page listing using the default 3-column view per page gives about twenty separate LXer paragraphs and an expanding Linux Distribution 'Explore by Category' box near the top right of each page.

Distributions are organized and listed as follows (VERY quirky to say the least!): * Debian-based Distributions o Linspire o Linux Mint o Xubuntu o Kanotix o Dreamlinux o Gobuntu o Xandros Server * Ubuntu (Linux Distribution) Derivatives o Linux Mint o Freespire o Xubuntu o Gobuntu * RPM-based Linux Distributions o openSUSE o SUSE Linux o Mandriva Linux o Scientific Linux o SUSE Linux Enterprise Server * Linux Distributions o Freespire o Mandriva Linux o Vector Linux o Kanotix

Again, all the above are clear signs of Cuil's birthing pangs at launchdate.

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