So build a network????

Story: Doing The Good ThingTotal Replies: 10
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Jul 22, 2008
1:57 AM EDT
Unusual thread title for sure, but it's meant to grab everyone's attention, and for a good reason. There have been plenty of individuals out there who scoff at the idea of actively marketing freedomware to the masses. So what can be done about them? Ignore them. Move on. The first part is easy, but the second part..... becomes a challenge.

Is it possible to build a network of groups/sites that could help proliferate the ideas of marketing more effectively and might I add more efficiently? The Tux Project is a good start. However, they should not be the end all, be all. In other words, we need a webring or a network of sorts. The question is... how could it be built? I'm open to ideas at this point. :)

Jul 22, 2008
6:39 AM EDT
The inherent problem here is that few people who are adept with technical things have any understanding of marketing; especially marketing to non-technical people. People who do understand marketing are usually well paid for that expertise and unwilling to work for free. :(

Jul 22, 2008
11:13 AM EDT
nixed/jdixon; The heyday of the circuses saw an advance-man (team) roll into town, put up posters, talk to the merchants, hand out some free passes. bingo, you have instant interest. Local TV (for all its problems) the remaining few newspapers, and some radio stations will give time/space.

GTGs are popular with many groups, car dudes, HAMs, cosplayers, etc. So some computer types can meet and have fun and do an install-fest type of proselytizing.

Wait, never mind, I forgot we were talking about computers. Everybody back into the basement.

Jul 22, 2008
1:39 PM EDT

Understood concerning marketing. However, I myself have talked to those who are non-techy per se. I learned from my own sister how to better relate to those who are not so technical.

Some things that could be done could include the gathering of the following information:

-Call in numbers for popular radio talk shows -Contact information for all the major news networks -Contact information for local newspapers as well as national newspapers -Contact information for various tech publications (to get them to talk about freedomware more and more.... hopefully anyway).

That's all for now.

Jul 22, 2008
3:47 PM EDT
Quoting:-Call in numbers for popular radio talk shows -Contact information for all the major news networks -Contact information for local newspapers as well as national newspapers -Contact information for various tech publications (to get them to talk about freedomware more and more.... hopefully anyway).

When I was a member of a Fundie Christian organisation, these are exactly the sorts of things we were encouraged to do. It works.

Jul 22, 2008
4:05 PM EDT
Thanks tracyanne...

What other things would you recommend?

Jul 22, 2008
6:32 PM EDT
Well more than just the contact information. Actually sitting down and writing copy, newspapers love you if you do their work for them, and so too do radio stations, we did the same thing when I was secretary of a motorcycle club. You write the copy and they pretty much publish what you've written. But you've got to preserver, it takes time to establish yourself as a reliable source.

In the case of writing about Linux and FOSS, it may take longer, you will be writing to the Computer Tech section, if they have one, and there may be an encumbant who writes about Windows and proprietary software, or there may not be a Computer Tech section. Either way you will need time to get yourself established.

Most of us here can write fairly well, at least good enough for this sort of thing. The important bit is to discover the format that fits with the publication, or radio show, you are trying to communicate through.

Jul 22, 2008
7:01 PM EDT
Quoting:Most of us here can write fairly well, at least good enough for this sort of thing. The important bit is to discover the format that fits with the publication, or radio show, you are trying to communicate through.

I suspect most of us here write better than one of the local papers here.... It's rather sad to read a paper and find several typos (that spell check should catch) and other obvious errors...


Jul 22, 2008
7:58 PM EDT
One thing that could work well is for a group to get together, and all contribute articles, which the others use as the basis for articles they get published in their area. That way each member of the group would have a greater variety of articles to publish, and could publish material they would ordinarily be unable to create themselves. The group could publish under the same byline say "A Daily Penguin"

Jul 23, 2008
7:14 AM EDT

Jul 24, 2008
11:43 AM EDT
Thanks Colonel for the helpful link. I'll check out the radio show (though I may have read about them before via another blog). Anyhoo.... Are there any other multimedia outlets (like TLLTS for example) that are supportive of freedomware?

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