Well you see TC

Story: Microsoft's Moonlight Covenant "Radioactive"Total Replies: 5
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May 29, 2008
7:31 PM EDT
I'm not going to tell my customers they can't use Moonlight.

May 29, 2008
9:13 PM EDT
What does that have to do with the legal land mines that the article discusses? I'd be surprised if your customers even know what Moonlight is, and if they do, it seems rather shabby not to inform them of possible legal problems. If there are any, which means you need to figure it out first.

This comment was interesting:

Quoting: The Moonlight Agreement Only Covers a Short Term Transitional Version.

"The covenant says the following: “Moonlight Implementation” means only those specific portions of Moonlight 1.0 or Moonlight 1.1 that run only as a plug-in to a browser on a Personal Computer and are not licensed under GPLv3 or a Similar License." ... So, Silverlight 2.0 (the real Silverlight) is not covered under this agreement. It is worth noting that de Icaza's blog has an entry for the 18th of May demonstrating Silverlight 2.0 on Mono, so this isn't something that is in the distant future. This is something that is happening right now. In other words, this patent covenant is worthless from a practical standpoint even if there were no legal questions about it, as it is limited to versions that are about to become obsolete.

There are two rather polarized schools of thought on Mono and Silverlight. One is they are liberators from the shackles of the Borg. The other is they're pwned by the Borg. I can't figure out if the legal threats are real, or just toothless posturing and, as one Groklaw commenter said, typical Microsophistry. Which gets my vote for best word of the day. If it is toothless posturing, it's still a long expensive court fight to prove it. Novell are idiots for being a party to such mucky, poorly-written covenants. To me it looks like it's too messy to be worth the risk.

But maybe making Mono and Silverlight look suspect in the eyes of the FOSS world is a clever, devious scheme to discredit them. OMG. How masterfully fiendish.

One thing is obvious- Microsoft is never in a million billion years going to help a competitor, or speak the truth under any circumstances, not even when it's to their benefit.

May 29, 2008
10:19 PM EDT
If anything it will encourage Adobe to support Linux more.

May 29, 2008
11:47 PM EDT
Quoting:If anything it will encourage Adobe to support Linux more.

I seriously doubt that.

May 29, 2008
11:59 PM EDT
When Adobe releases a 64-bit Linux version of Flash, then I'll be convinced that they're supporting Linux.

May 30, 2008
3:30 AM EDT
MS is up to its old tricks again. It's data format lock in and EEE.

We're now in the Embrace and Extend fase. MS is poisoning the well by pushing their own tainted formats (OOXML, Silverlight, XPS) as replacements for formats which are open or readily available on FOSS systems (ODF, Flash, PDF).

They are putting up a nice smoke and mirrors act to convince people they care about openness and interoperability, but meanwhile they attach toxic patents to their "open" formats. While it might seem nice to be able to make use of "Silverlight powered" websites, regardless of platform, this is not the future MS envisions.

MS missed the real threat of the web, which is the opportunity to work with open formats (or at least friendly formats) and open, untethered cooperation. In none of these is MS a central and unavoidable link in the chain. MS have realized this and now they are trying to pull an MS Office with the web. Once they have leveraged the FOSS community to gain enough foothold on the web with their "open" technology (Silverlight, WPF/XAML, .NET) and have damaged their competitors (Adobe with Flash and PDF, Sun/IBM with ODF and Java) sufficiently to crush them, they will snap the patent trap shut.

BAM! Extinguished! No more Office interoperability, no more Silverlight sites, no more PDF's. FOSS will be set back ten to twenty years.

Don't trust MS. Their new technology might be the best thing since sliced bread, but MS itself is still the same old corporate predator. Help them spread their patent infested Trojans and you'll end up with a choice of Windows < insert future moniker here > Home , Business or Ultimate or be shut out of office and web information.

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