Blame the victims sounds a bit familiar doesn't it?

Story: Microsoft blames users for Vista infectionsTotal Replies: 7
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May 21, 2008
11:34 AM EDT
Didn't MSFT blame the users for the *insane* number of problems in IIS, Windows NT 4.0, and Internet Explorer's willingness to execute just about anything? And for allowing unsigned, untrusted ActiveX components to execute? And for any number of other non-transgressions caused by BROKEN BY DESIGN software?

This sounds all too familiar.

How long before they change their tune? Days, weeks, months or years?

May 21, 2008
11:51 AM EDT
Yeah, you gotta love that. "Our software is secure! It's all the users' fault! They're too stupid to use it right!"

May 21, 2008
12:23 PM EDT
Windows is safe, as long as you don't connect it to a network..


May 21, 2008
12:34 PM EDT
The safest AV for Windows:

May 21, 2008
12:35 PM EDT
> Windows is safe, as long as you don't connect it to a network..

And don't insert any removable media.

May 21, 2008
12:42 PM EDT
>And don't insert any removable media.

And don't boot it.

May 21, 2008
2:42 PM EDT
I thought Windows machines came with warning signs next to the power switches:

"Warning: Activating this switch can cause system instability"

May 21, 2008
3:25 PM EDT
Quoting: And don't insert any removable media.

Except Knoppix, of course.

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