Vista..most secure Windows...

Story: Microsoft blames users for Vista infectionsTotal Replies: 4
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May 20, 2008
3:04 PM EDT
if you don't take it out of the box, or install it on a computer.

I seem to recall seeing a cartoon about that recently. I just don't remember where. Userfriendly perhaps?

May 20, 2008
3:13 PM EDT
And that was folloed by this peice of news

I love irony

May 20, 2008
3:28 PM EDT
I have to agree Vista is the most secure OS. My wife's Vista is even more secure than Linux. The @#$%#@!!! networking seldom works, so it's pretty tough for someone to do something to the machine without having physical access.

May 20, 2008
3:43 PM EDT
bigg is right, Vista is very safe. Because its next to impossible to get it on the Internet, and keep it there.

May 20, 2008
3:43 PM EDT
Vista as the safest Windows is rather like saying Streptococcus pyogenes is the safest flesh-eating bacteria.

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