These articles drive me nuts ...

Story: Apple's Safari, Mozilla's Firefox lose market shareTotal Replies: 0
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May 05, 2008
6:12 AM EDT
granted it is a short trip. Nonetheless, there is no estimate of probable measurement error, but look at the recent Mozilla statistics, it had a mini peak surrounded by less than a 0.1% on two months. At minimum the error should be of the order of plus or minus a half of a percent. My suspicion it is much larger.

Also note that nearly all the instances purporting to measure browser usage neglect to tell where the raw numbers are taken and how those figures are further processed. For example, do they and/or how they remove automated search agents?

Even if the numbers are based on a large number of sites do those selections really reflect the internet's usage? Since they say nothing pertinent I would guess they do not know.

Any figures purporting to show movement of less than one percent is bogus (really plus or minus) and if the numbers are not crunched taking into account varying traffic patterns more insight is lost. Seeing articles like this and assertions with no explicit basis come near to pushing me over the edge. Believe me, you do not want to do that ...

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