Another view ...

Story: Instant Messaging for Introverts, or Rude is Plain Old RudeTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Apr 07, 2008
1:40 PM EDT
I carry a cell phone, when I remember to take it with me off my desk. I used to use IM, mostly on tech. forums. However, neither is as bad, in my estimation, as call waiting. Being called, then told to wait repeatedly while another incoming call comes in is worse than either or both the aforementioned supposed abominations of the cell phone and IM. The former can be literally a life saver and the later can be constructive if used in moderation.

I really hate my land line more, because I answer with a snarl expecting another unwanted marketing call. Nonetheless, i have to keep myself under a bit of control, since some calls are warranted (appointment reminders, etc.) for which I must apologize for my rudeness. Perhaps unsurprisingly that is met with understanding. If my daughter would only learn to use my business line and/or cell phone I could ignore the land line entirely. But that is unlikely.

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