Who cares, Leo?

Story: So why don't I run Linux?Total Replies: 9
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Apr 01, 2008
9:08 AM EDT
Who cares what this guy can't do? "I want to use Linux" but "I can't do it despite offering technical solutions to people in need".

Apr 01, 2008
9:19 AM EDT
haha, no kidding. Seems like there is a quota for these "I really really heart Linux, no really I doooo, but don't get me wrong, I can't use it" stories, at least one per week. Total waste of space.

Something I've been wanting to do but haven't had time, is to run some kind of "cool FOSS project of the week" column that highlights worthy projects, and try to drum up support for them. Because there is room for improvement and gaps to fill, and the mass influx of the free-as-in-freeloader crowd inspired by Ubuntu hasn't appeared to translate into more support. Just more demands and complaining.

Apr 01, 2008
9:39 AM EDT
It would be nice if articles like this actually told WHAT applications they need to interact with that they can't due to the supposed non-fully-working data interchange instead of just saying "I have to interact with stuff but linux can't interoperate with that stuff right".

Apr 01, 2008
9:45 AM EDT
Quoting: It would be nice if articles like this actually told WHAT applications they need to interact with that they can't due to the supposed non-fully-working data interchange instead of just saying "I have to interact with stuff but linux can't interoperate with that stuff right".

FUD and details do not mix.

Apr 01, 2008
10:29 AM EDT
> I'd love to run Linux. I'm ready for Linux. But Linux isn't quite ready for me.

He has it exactly backwards. It's not that Linux isn't ready for him. It's that he's not ready for Linux.

I'm getting really tired of these "Linux isn't ready" stories. I've been using Linux on my primary machine for 10 years now (my secondary machine currently runs FreeDOS, though I have used Windows on it at various times in the past). Why don't I have all of these "application" and "interaction" problems?

I have exactly one need for Windows: To run the VPN software necessary to connect to work when I'm on call. For that, I use VMware and run a Windows 2000 virtual machine. This is an option for anyone with an even halfway current machine.

While there are niche application areas which it cannot yet serve, Linux has been ready for the average user for several years now. Anyone who says it isn't is lying. Either to their readers or to themselves.


Apr 01, 2008
10:44 AM EDT
To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure that I'm ready for Linux either, or that it's ready for me.

I would LOVE some of those slick Mac apps for multimedia.

Problem, however, is that, whether or not Linux is ready for me, my budget most certainly is not ready for the Mac.

Apr 01, 2008
11:26 AM EDT
I can feel his pain. I used to run an OS that wasn't ready for me. There was a keystroke logger on it, and the only solution I found was to clean out the registry. But I had to be really careful. Otherwise I could either miss one of the thousands of infected parts or make my system unusable. Just too complicated for non-technical users like me who just want to use a computer, without worrying about it destroying me.

So I can understand what he's going through. I haven't used that other OS much since.

Apr 01, 2008
11:28 AM EDT
I think Leo is just an April Fool's joke.

Apr 01, 2008
12:39 PM EDT
He's says he's using apps built with MS Visual Basic ... what can anybody say to that?

Apr 01, 2008
1:01 PM EDT
Is that Visual Basic 6 or Visual Basic.net?

If it's VB6 then even the Microsofties will laugh at him.

If it's VB.Net there's Mono, of course if not having a graphical design tool for his VB.Net applications is a problem, for him, then all he needs is to install VirtualBox or VMWare or some such and install Visual Studio on that, It works fine.

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