Way to go, Wolfgang

Story: … and the first ZaReason EU system went to …Total Replies: 3
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Mar 31, 2008
10:57 AM EDT
Thanks for the update -- especially on how Etch and Lenny, in addition to Ubuntu -- run on the box.

I hope the sales start rolling in.

Mar 31, 2008
5:24 PM EDT
Thanks, Steve,

it's really like I wrote: I got so much valuable feedback from the community that I feel I have to give back as well.

One small example maybe: at a local LUG meeting, where lots of Debian Developers regularly attend as well, some guys told me *not* to try the new 1TB hard drives yet - they had actually tested them already, and found them less reliable than their smaller brethren. That was in February tho, and things will change of course, but if you can spend only that much money on your own investigations and R&D, you are really glad to get hints like these.

And as a second thought (and I really hope I'll never lose that one): where would we all be without those guys anyway? We would have nothing to write about, and companies like the one I just started here simply wouldn't be possible. So I feel I owe these people, and if I can do something like building machines for them, or for their families or friends, then I'd be really glad to do so.

Aye, you understand me anyway. Thanks for your kind feedback.

Apr 01, 2008
9:14 AM EDT
The importance of Debian, then and now, cannot be overstated.

As for the 1TB drives, they're selling for $200 now -- I hope they get it right soon.

Apr 01, 2008
4:50 PM EDT

It has been my sincere pleasure to aid Za in every way I can. Although I refuse to carry conventional advertising on my websites, I do carry banners and links to those efforts and businesses I believe in. Because I have a modest readership from the continent, I would be happy to carry your banner. email it to me with the code/link and I will get it stabbed into place. helios at fixedbylinux dottt kommm


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