10 years to learn their lesson?

Story: Navy to focus only on open systemsTotal Replies: 5
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Mar 14, 2008
1:20 AM EDT

Quoting:Navy brass have called the Yorktown Smart Ship pilot a success in reducing manpower, maintenance and costs. The Navy began running shipboard applications under Microsoft Windows NT so that fewer sailors would be needed to control key ship functions.

But the Navy last fall learned a difficult lesson about automation: The very information technology on which the ships depend also makes them vulnerable. The Yorktown last September suffered a systems failure when bad data was fed into its computers during maneuvers off the coast of Cape Charles, Va.

The ship had to be towed into the Naval base at Norfolk, Va., because a database overflow caused its propulsion system to fail, according to Anthony DiGiorgio, a civilian engineer with the Atlantic Fleet Technical Support Center in Norfolk.

“We are putting equipment in the engine room that we cannot maintain and, when it fails, results in a critical failure,” DiGiorgio said. It took two days of pierside maintenance to fix the problem.
(N.B.: It wasn't Windows NT that crashed, but rather a database service. Still, there's a point to be made for source access and fast fixes.)

Mar 14, 2008
4:34 AM EDT
It's time to put computer specialists as part of crews. It's a great hope for me, because when it gets extended to space ships, I might be able to go "out there" and be paid for it! ;)

Mar 14, 2008
5:07 AM EDT
That's what happens when you run a warship on Windows.

Mar 14, 2008
6:04 AM EDT
Not the OS that is at fault, it is the "warship" concept.

Mar 14, 2008
6:21 AM EDT
Open source has been finding its way into DOD networks for years now. This is the first effort at standardization with open source that I have heard of. It is definitely good news.

Mar 14, 2008
9:46 AM EDT
Quoting:That's what happens when you run a warship on Windows.
Or worship at the altar of Windows.

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