Re : Multithreaded RPC Servers for Linux. Thread-safe code

Story: Multithreaded RPC Servers for Linux. Thread-safe code writingTotal Replies: 1
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Mar 04, 2008
8:56 AM EDT
The example code in dba477 posting does not work : we tried it on a linux machine and, if the purpose was having a rpc server that can handle multiple requests at the same time using threads, it does not work. You cannot send another request until you execute svc_sendreply. This puts the hole thing in sinchronous mode.

Ciao -Paul

Mar 04, 2008
12:09 PM EDT
FWIW: The article you're replying to is nearly four years old. That's nearly an eternity in FOSS terms. Perhaps the underlying code has changed in such a way that waht used to work in 2004 doesn't work anymore?

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