Now its parent company'll be getting some flack

Story: Linux and open source software pay off for PayPalTotal Replies: 6
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Feb 18, 2008
11:14 AM EDT
PayPal's parent company, eBay, has recently raised its fees and percentages collected from sellers. Now according to , eBay users will be going on strike. From this news release, another disturbing action by eBay is revealed along with the raise in fees:
Quoting:Another change that has ruffled feathers, ebay sellers will not be able to give negative feedback to bad buyers.

PayPal uses Linux and open source software, as Phil Hochmuth's Techworld piece describes.

PayPal is also eBay's cashcow.

Why then does eBay feel so financially squeezed that it has had to raise its fees and percentages in the manner that it did, prompting the boycott effort mentioned here??


Feb 18, 2008
2:28 PM EDT
> Why then does eBay feel so financially squeezed that it has had to raise its fees and percentages in the manner that it did,

Well, for starters, they paid way to much for Skype.

Feb 18, 2008
10:03 PM EDT
Good question. Why indeed does eBay feel squeezed that they have to raise fees?

Perhaps because of some the issues with PayPal itself....

Feb 18, 2008
10:10 PM EDT
Oh, and this may be another reason for their rate hikes as well:

Feb 19, 2008
5:29 AM EDT
I heard (I don't use it) that eBay's division in Poland was very surprised when they introduced fees (there was a free period after establishment of the division) and the users simply moved to other sites (like Świstak).

Feb 19, 2008
9:54 AM EDT
eBay raising fees for varying reasons? Hmmm, more suspicious connections going on. Current news headline is 'Microsoft to authorize Yahoo proxy battle: report',

1. Yahoo! headquarters' current address (brought here for a reason) is 701 First Avenue Sunnyvale, California 94089

2. PayPal headquarters at eBay Park North 2211 North First Street San Jose, CA 95131

3. eBay headquarters at eBay Inc. 2145 Hamilton Avenue San Jose, California 95125.

4. Google's headquarters at Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043

Now, using Google's mapping software to map the distances between the top three Silicon Valley HQ's above (BTW, they're all way South of GoogleHQ), one gets a nice and tight little triangle of 1 === > 2, ~8.5mi Southeast 2 === > 3 ~7mi South 3 === > 1 ~10mi NorthNorthWest

Would be quite interesting here to conjecture as to yet another Microsoft Conspiracy Theory (TM), whether MS is actually trying to desperately penetrate this little tripartite Silicon Valley "love triangle" with its current hostile designs against Yahoo ??

Its ultimate target would be 4. Google, which is left out of the geographical triangle. Note that Google's online auction and online payment services pale in comparison to the eBay-PayPal juggernaut -- AAMOF, Google's online facsimiles are entirely out of the picture!


Is eBay somehow concerned that MS will someday "approach" it in a similar fashion as MS is now "approaching" Yahoo ??


Feb 19, 2008
9:13 PM EDT
@vv Didn't a famous U.S. President say something like the following quote, about twent-eight years ago, during one of that year's presidential debates: "There you go again" ?

So there you go again with your M$ Conspiracy stuff. Its wrong. Like comparing apples and oranges which are certainly both round fruits, and yet are fruit of completely DIFFERENT species. M$ is out to digest Yahoo and ogle Google. Period. M$ aint a gonna toucha da hair of eBay or PayPal, hear? Not now norever.

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