Nice, but what is the relevance?

Story: Build a directory service for web-based servicesTotal Replies: 36
Author Content

Feb 17, 2008
10:12 PM EDT
Hmm, I'm trying to figure out why this curious little writeup on how to install some software on a windoze pee cee was posted here...

Feb 17, 2008
10:35 PM EDT
It is about OpenLDAP correct?

Feb 18, 2008
7:35 AM EDT
> It is about OpenLDAP correct?

Yes it seemed to be something about installing openldap on windoze.

Feb 18, 2008
7:48 AM EDT
I didn't see much stuff that was Windows-specific in that article. All of the openLDAP configuration is OS agnostic.

Feb 18, 2008
8:42 AM EDT
> I didn't see much stuff that was Windows-specific in that article. All of the openLDAP configuration is OS agnostic.

hmm, just from a quick glance at the article:
Quoting:Download and install OpenLDAP for Windows operating system. Specify the following directives in the C:\Program Files\OpenLDAP\slapd.conf file.

Start the OpenLDAP slapd server. C:\Program Files\OpenLDAP> .slapd -d 1

The object classes supported by OpenLDAP server are specified in the C:\Program Files\OpenLDAP\schema\core.schema
So, maybe something useful in there somewhere, hard to say - but I kept getting poked in the eye with all the arcane details of windoze paths and install instructions etc, and my eyes glazed over ;)

Feb 18, 2008
8:46 AM EDT
> but I kept getting poked in the eye with all the arcane details of windoze paths and install instructions etc, and my eyes glazed over ;)

One of the nice things about a format like LXer's is that you don't need to read everything.

I frequently skip large chunks of their stories, especially if they include the phrase "Matt Hartley". :)

Feb 18, 2008
9:01 AM EDT
Unless I'm mistaken, OpenLDAP is FOSS. Is it not? This site is about FOSS. Is it not?

Feb 18, 2008
9:13 AM EDT
Theoretically you are correct, NoDough. But in practice it frequently becomes more of an anti-Microsoft bashing platform than a pro-Linux/FOSS resource.

Feb 18, 2008
9:19 AM EDT
tuxtom>> But in practice it frequently becomes more of an anti-Microsoft bashing platform than a pro-Linux/FOSS resource.

*Sigh* Yes. That's true.

Feb 18, 2008
9:28 AM EDT
> Theoretically you are correct, NoDough. But in practice it frequently becomes more of an anti-Microsoft bashing platform than a pro-Linux/FOSS resource.

Nah, everybody gets bashed here, linux vendors, other commercial concerns, and yes even microsoft.

I'd love it if microsoft were never even mentioned, as they have no particular relevance to anything I do (I work in IT), and I come to this site to see what's going on with linux.

Feb 18, 2008
9:58 AM EDT
herzeleid: Your minimization of "even microsoft" is kinda funny. It is often cloaked as "Redmond" or "MS" and is probably the most frequently used word on this site besides "the". A cursory search of the archives would make this readily apparent.

> I'd love it if microsoft were never even mentioned, as they have no particular relevance to anything I do (I work in IT), and I come to this site to see what's going on with linux.

I'm in the same boat, and it is a great place to see what's going on with Linux. Perhaps I can learn from you and just train my mind to ignore the "M" word and all arguments surrounding it. 8^)

Feb 18, 2008
10:15 AM EDT
> Perhaps I can learn from you and just train my mind to ignore the "M" word and all arguments surrounding it. 8^)

LOL, where did you get the idea that I ignore it? I tend to comment readily when I see microsoft mentioned - but I'd be happy to not see it mentioned in the first place.

Feb 18, 2008
10:16 AM EDT
Its funny, the story is about OpenLDAP on Windows and we still end up bashing Microsoft and everyone else for that matter..


Feb 18, 2008
10:32 AM EDT
> Its funny, the story is about OpenLDAP on Windows and we still end up bashing Microsoft and everyone else for that matter..

I must have missed the microsoft bashing - could you point it out? I see the phrase "microsoft bashing" mentioned repeatedly, but could find no attacks on microsoft per se.

I questioned the relevance of an article on windoze software installation on a linux site, but surely that could not by any strecth of the imagination be construed as microsoft bashing, any more than my asking why there's an orangutan in my kitchen would be a case of orangutan-bashing.

Feb 18, 2008
10:39 AM EDT
herzeleid: Your right, it hasn't happened yet..but its coming..


Feb 18, 2008
10:44 AM EDT
Sometimes it's very subtle, but it's always there. Read: windoze.

Feb 18, 2008
10:47 AM EDT
Nice catch tuxtom, I missed that. To used to seeing it I guess.

Feb 18, 2008
11:09 AM EDT
Ah, so when you see the nickname "windoze" used, you cry "microsoft bashing"? hmm, seems a bit hypersensitive.

Now, if I called it "microsucks winbloze" or something along those lines, that could be considered a case of implicit microsoft bashing, just as I would consider it linux bashing if a freebsd user referred to linux as "linsux"

OTOH when I hear linux called "leenooks" I don't consider it linux bashing.

Feb 18, 2008
11:14 AM EDT
Your the one that said there was no bashing going on, yet you were was.

That's not hypersensitive, its accurate. You can't get upset that someone states there is bashing going on, say there isn't, when there obviously is..

Feb 18, 2008
11:15 AM EDT
> That's not hypersensitive, its accurate. You can't get upset that someone states there is bashing going on, say there isn't, when there obviously is..

LOL, who got upset? I'm just trying to understand where you think there was microsoft bashing going on.

Can you explain where the microsoft bashing is? I though bashing meant insults, accusations, placing of blame etc.

Feb 18, 2008
11:21 AM EDT
I'm not upset or hypersensitive, it was merely a sociological observation...and a weak attempt at humor.

Don't you LINUTS get it?


Feb 18, 2008
11:23 AM EDT
> Don't you LINUTS get it?

Hey, thems fightin words!

Feb 18, 2008
11:42 AM EDT
herzeleid>> when you see the nickname "windoze" used, you cry "microsoft bashing"?

herzeleid>> I would consider it linux bashing if a freebsd user referred to linux as "linsux"

How can you call one bashing, and not the other?

Feb 18, 2008
12:51 PM EDT
Quoting: herzeleid>> when you see the nickname "windoze" used, you cry "microsoft bashing"?

herzeleid>> I would consider it linux bashing if a freebsd user referred to linux as "linsux"

How can you call one bashing, and not the other?
You edited my message to make it less clear. Let me restore the parts you deleted:

Quoting: I would consider it linux bashing if a freebsd user referred to linux as "linsux" OTOH when I hear linux called "leenooks" I don't consider it linux bashing.
so, an alternate spelling doesn't equate to bashing - and:

Quoting:Now, if I called it "microsucks winbloze" ... that could be considered ... microsoft bashing,
So, I said that a pejorative term for windows *does* constitute bashing - makes a lot more sense when I put back the parts you removed, doesn't it?

In short,, "windoze" isn't bashing, just as "leenoks" isn't bashing; OTOH "microsux winbloze" is bashing, just as "linsux" is bashing

To recap, in the one case, you have a alternative phonetic spelling, on the other hand you have an insult ("sux" in case you missed it). See the difference?


Feb 18, 2008
1:04 PM EDT
herzeleid>> So, I said that a pejorative term for windows *does* constitute bashing - makes a lot more sense when I put back the parts you removed, doesn't it?

Well, I guess if you consider 'windoze' just a nick and don't take into account the 'doze' portion. I've always taken the word to be a wise crack aimed squarely at Microsoft. Ever since I read it the first time back in the mid-late 90s.

Feb 18, 2008
1:17 PM EDT
I think it's time we stopped talking about Micro$oft and started talking about eunuchs.

Feb 18, 2008
1:41 PM EDT
> Well, I guess if you consider 'windoze' just a nick and don't take into account the 'doze' portion. [] I've always taken the word to be a wise crack aimed squarely at Microsoft. Ever since I read it the first time back in the mid-late 90s.

OK, 'doze' meaning 'to sleep'. huh. still don't see the insult there. now 'winbloze' - clearly an insult. But I digress.

I think it's gotta be 5:00 somewhere, it's margarita time.

Feb 18, 2008
2:34 PM EDT
> Read: windoze.

Well, Windows does not equal Microsoft, so technically that's Windows bashing and not Microsoft bashing. Calling it M$ Windoze would be Microsoft bashing. Whether it's deserved bashing would be another subject entirely.

Feb 18, 2008
2:57 PM EDT
jdixon: Grasping for loopholes? Why not admit the truth? Isn't M$ product bashing the same as M$ bashing, for all practical purposes?

You, I and everyone else here knows we're not talking about X Windows...many of us are Ex-Windoze. We see right through it.

BTW:, and are all available if anyone is interested. Those would make for some fun forums...age verification required!

Feb 18, 2008
3:06 PM EDT
> BTW:, and are all available if anyone is interested. Those would make for some fun forums...age verification required!

Haha I've already bought my share of novelty domains.

I don't hate windoze, I am really indifferent to it. I only wish that the folks at microsoft would get out of my face, and stop trying to make themselves part of my life.

Dear microsoft, I've already got an OS that I'm happy with, OK? No, I'm not interested in dating. No, I'm not interested in going out for coffee. No, I'm not interested in being friends. You go your way and I'll go mine, and let's just leave it at that, OK?

Feb 18, 2008
3:14 PM EDT
> Isn't M$ product bashing the same as M$ bashing, for all practical purposes?

No. You can bash one product from a company without bashing the entire company. Lots of companies have produced one or more bad products over the years. As a perfect example, I could bash Sony's root kit software on their CD's without affecting my opinion of the laptops or televisions at all (or of the music on the CD's for that matter).

Feb 18, 2008
3:19 PM EDT
> Isn't M$ product bashing the same as M$ bashing, for all practical purposes?

Not at all. While I have no use for windoze, I've actually bought microsoft mice for my own use, more than once.

Yep, I recommend microsoft mice! How do you like them apples?

Feb 18, 2008
3:31 PM EDT
@herzeleid - Read my post near the bottom of this to see what I think about that:

Feb 18, 2008
5:16 PM EDT
And I hate typing with anything but a Microsoft Natural Keyboard. Even the Logitech split keboards just don't fit my hands right.

Feb 18, 2008
6:36 PM EDT
With input devices I think everyone just has to experiment and find what works best for them. Pay no attention to the logo. Let your body decide, not your mind.

Feb 18, 2008
7:28 PM EDT
Quoting:Let your body decide, not your mind.
When my mind saw my hands go from 55wpm to 80+wpm, the decision became unanimous.

Feb 18, 2008
7:45 PM EDT
I don't type anywhere near those numbers, but my speed and accuracy did increase. The best part is I'm able to spend my hours on the keyboard without soreness or cramping, which is more important than speed for me.

Man, we are so off topic it is unbelievable.

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