
Story: Ubuntu makes it easy for parallel virtualizationTotal Replies: 9
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Feb 06, 2008
1:11 AM EDT
Can anyone give me a good reason to pay for Parallels in ubuntu, when Virtualbox is available for free. I have tried it and it has nothing more than virtualbox

Feb 06, 2008
1:24 AM EDT
Yes! Thank you. Virtualbox is an awesome, but sadly overlooked product. A few months ago a certain Brit podcast did a whole segment on virtualisation, and totally forgot to mention Virtualbox. Another podcast, an American one of somewhat chaotic nature, mentioned Virtualbox, but then went on to say how great Parralels was because of that coherence mode... completely unaware that Virtualbox sports a similar feature.

I used to be in advertising/marketing, and I have often wondered if it would not be worthwhile for someone to start a form of pseudo-non-profit advertising/marketing agency specifically for open source software. One that can help low-income and no-income projects to get noticed within its target market as well as outside it.

Feb 06, 2008
5:37 AM EDT
Quoting:I used to be in advertising/marketing, and I have often wondered if it would not be worthwhile for someone to start a form of pseudo-non-profit advertising/marketing agency specifically for open source software. One that can help low-income and no-income projects to get noticed within its target market as well as outside it.

Helios has tried this, but often don't come to much.

Since you have the experience you could try to get the ball rolling on this. Advertising is one thing that would really help get the word out, but most attempts to get things going seem to fail.

Feb 06, 2008
6:19 AM EDT
Sourceforge? http://sourceforge.net/

Feb 06, 2008
11:17 PM EDT
Quoting:Since you have the experience you could try to get the ball rolling on this. Advertising is one thing that would really help get the word out, but most attempts to get things going seem to fail.

Haha, there are a few problems with this...

1. I am hardly qualified. I was a developer in their interactive media / web section of the agency. 2. I am a compulsive starter that is really bad at finishing things. As an example, I already have one non-profit organisation with my wife registered in the US that stopped short of getting proper IRS certification. Life just got in the way. 3. Who would fund such a thing? It's hard to justify monetary donations to run a marketing agency. Not a cheap thing to run either.

Excuses aside, I can think of a lot of things such an agency could provide. It could offer copywriting for everything from web sites to meta-data in rpm/deb packages. Managing press releases. Creating the creative identity of a new application or project. Basically making sure that Linux software becomes as superficially credible as it is currently actually credible.


Feb 06, 2008
11:19 PM EDT
You mean the superficial might actually match the reality for once?

Feb 07, 2008
4:01 AM EDT
Actually, an angle on this is being worked up. ColonelPanik will be one of the ones evaluating the draft of the plan...he can comment if not too specific. ;-)


Feb 07, 2008
7:10 AM EDT
helios, You are not suppose to breathe the smoke coming from the back of the computer!

Feb 07, 2008
5:08 PM EDT

Feb 07, 2008
5:20 PM EDT
I think that was his comment :)

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