"That is not possible. Microsoft would not allow it."

Story: Yanking The Window ShadeTotal Replies: 9
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Jan 21, 2008
9:09 AM EDT
WTF kind of muttonheads are people turning into?? Land of the free, home of the brave? Not the good old US of A, founded by a bloody revolution. That must have been some other country. That reminds me of all the nitwits on /. (well ok, that is rather redundant) and other forums that justify all manner of horrid corporate abuses with "well that's capitalism!" Not in the sense that yeah, some folks will do anything to get what they want, but in the sense that it's OK and no one should complain.

Mush-headed nitwit ignernt mutter mumble....

Jan 21, 2008
9:39 AM EDT
Heh. It reminds me of Jerry Lee Cooper http://jerryleecooper.com/

Jan 21, 2008
9:45 AM EDT
I think that is a big part of the issue.. I found his Matrix analogy scarily fitting. Most people seem to think that Microsoft has ultimate control over all software (or at least all legal software)... They don't know better, and when told differently they can't believe it because they've been so programmed that MS IS software and anything else can't possibly be good and/or legal.

Jan 21, 2008
9:47 AM EDT
You owe me a keyboard, NoDough. Now I understand the math behind microshaft's TCO and ROI figures!

Jan 21, 2008
11:20 AM EDT
Ok, so is JLC totally ignorant, or writing posts designed to be totally clueless/stupid? (I did find that latest post rather funny though) I'm confused...

Jan 21, 2008
11:42 AM EDT
From his about


This is Jerry Lee Cooper’s Un-Offical Fan Site

JerryLeeCooper is a net guru with a internet cult following rivaled only by Bill Gates him self.

Jerrys insight is often mocked but his wisdom is well beyond his years and will go down in history as one of the nets leading authorities.

Yikes. Or maybe he's just having a good time.

Jan 21, 2008
12:15 PM EDT
Ken I got the following error messages when I attemprted to post a comment.

Quoting: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) in /home/helios/public_html/blog/include/db/mysql.inc.php on line 263

Warning: mysql_select_db() [function.mysql-select-db]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) in /home/helios/public_html/blog/include/db/mysql.inc.php on line 264

Warning: mysql_select_db() [function.mysql-select-db]: A link to the server could not be established in /home/helios/public_html/blog/include/db/mysql.inc.php on line 264 serendipity error: unable to connect to database - exiting.

Also it might be an idea to have a generic message that doesn't tell people about the innards of the application that just errored out.

Jan 21, 2008
12:19 PM EDT
TC, I'll just credit that keyboard to the several you owe me. You're posts are not only more frequent, but imminently more humorous when intended to be so.

The Jerry Lee Cooper sight is actually a compilation of various posts (mostly on InfoWorld's forums, IIRC) by someone claiming to be JLC. Whether he's a real honest-to-goodness idiot or someone posting for the sake of satire, I do not know.

Jan 21, 2008
12:29 PM EDT
alc -

Jerry Lee Cooper invented the internet two years before Al Gore did it.

When Steve Jobs and the Woz were wasting time on the 8 bit Apple II, JLC perfected the 64 bite apple pie.

Cower before his genius.

Jan 21, 2008
2:57 PM EDT
And all this time, I thought Al Gore invented the internet :~)

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