Wrong VIsta is being promoted, after all.

Story: Vista advertising: Not selling Microsoft's valueTotal Replies: 19
Author Content

Jan 15, 2008
3:45 PM EDT
Here's the latest ad:


Jan 15, 2008
10:09 PM EDT
Ah, I love that video :-)

Jan 16, 2008
3:05 AM EDT
I hate it when there's no direct download link. I hate it even more when there's no *indirect* download link ;P That's because I don't have the bloated and crappy non-free flash player and the videos don't work with swfdec. Flash-embedded video is evil, anyway. /rant

Jan 16, 2008
10:10 AM EDT
Techsupport: Umm, what did you do to your PC? This isn't the company standard Windows.

DreamMe: Nope, I installed Linux.

Techsupport: But we can't have that. It's not company standard.

DreamMe: It was that or a .44 through the CPU, your choice.


On the video, I can understand each person who finally cracks. Even the one that jumps the table and finally gives his coworker what he deserves, although I haven't found the need to do that since highschool.

Cute how the older guy that throws his monitor into the next cube goes right back to typing (without a screen). Too bad so many people take out their frustrations on the CRT, though, it's not like anything is the monitor's fault. :^)

"Oh, and here's your laptop back." "Yeah, thanks."


Jan 16, 2008
1:00 PM EDT
Is office life like that? I would never be able to keep my cool like those folks in the video. When the computer starts to win here I just go out and run the chain-saw for a couple of hours. Hmmm, maybe I could bring that saw inside? Nah, it is okay I have Linux on my chain-saw.

Jan 16, 2008
3:24 PM EDT
> Is office life like that?

No, unless you work for the Post Office.

People "going postal" are very rare, but it's instructive to know that it can and does happen.

When technology goes wrong, what can you do? You can't yell it, you can't repremand it, you can't because it's just a machine.

So far, the one thing people can do that a machine cannot do is make the decision, "Ok, today the machine dies!"

Jan 16, 2008
6:26 PM EDT
> You can't yell it, you can't repremand it, you can't because it's just a machine.

Hmmph. Says you. You just don't know how to threaten machines properly. Of course your yelling at them doesn't work: They don't believe you. Now when I threaten machines, they listen. They know what's happened to those who didn't.

Jan 16, 2008
8:35 PM EDT
I *have* fixed a misbehaving monitor with a smack. Much to the awe of my non-geeky coworkers.

Jan 17, 2008
12:59 AM EDT
>I *have* fixed a misbehaving monitor with a smack. Much to the awe of my non-geeky coworkers.

We old-timers also remember those wonderful clicky IBM keyboards of 20 years ago. When the keys would go funky, the standard prescription was to drop them from about 6 inches to a foot.

Jan 17, 2008
2:41 AM EDT
I have found that threats of reprogramming it with an axe to give acceptable results. Especially since I keep a picture on my desk of having done exactly that to an old dead 386.

Jan 17, 2008
2:59 AM EDT
You have a picture of an axe buried in a computer?

I GOTTA see that!!

Jan 17, 2008
3:54 AM EDT
I'll run it through the scanner when I get home.

Jan 17, 2008
3:59 AM EDT
Yes please!

Jan 17, 2008
5:33 AM EDT
> When the keys would go funky, the standard prescription was to drop them from about 6 inches to a foot.

The IBM maintenance manual for one of their table-top mainframe printers specified "Raise unit two inches above table surface, release" as one of the first diagnostic steps. It effectively reseated all the printed circuit cards at once. :^)

A good whack does wonders for oxidized electrical contacts. As Dr. Who said, "Ah! Earth technology!" after giving an old spacecraft console a good whack and having it reactivate.

Jan 17, 2008
5:55 AM EDT
Float Test

Jan 17, 2008
8:15 AM EDT
Dogbert, with a baseball bat in his hand, walking away from a busted computer:

"The network is DOWN, but I'm feeling much better."

Jan 18, 2008
7:38 AM EDT
thanks for the video - put a smile on my Friday

love the guy who is photo copying the screen - very innovative.

been there felt like that.

Jan 19, 2008
8:03 AM EDT
Nope, even dropping it from 10 miles high won't make Vista work any better.

Jan 21, 2008
1:36 AM EDT
"I hate it when there's no direct download link. I hate it even more when there's no *indirect* download link ;P That's because I don't have the bloated and crappy non-free flash player and the videos don't work with swfdec. Flash-embedded video is evil, anyway. /rant"


What format would you like that video in? I can try to convert it for you. ;)

Jan 21, 2008
5:12 AM EDT
Quoting:What format would you like that video in?

Whatever format playable by mplayer *that I can download with wget*. Thank you :)

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