begging to be abused

Story: Wiki-based search engine launchedTotal Replies: 5
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Jan 09, 2008
10:54 AM EDT
Google devotes a lot of resources to a never-ending war with folks who game the system and try to manipulate it. Mr. Wales' belief in community and good people outnumbering the asshats is a bit naive- a small number of people can do a lot of damage, and you can bet money their #1 priority will be developing automated ways to game Wikia Search. Sorry for being the croaking voice of doom, but if he doesn't have a plan for a well-armed "police force" it's going to get trashed.

Jan 09, 2008
1:34 PM EDT
Oh darn, good ideas come to mind.

Searches for Free iPod, Linux Sucks, PenguinPete racing in Indianapolis 500, Steve Ballmer in bikini, horny bouncy chicks (oh no, bouncy should refer to Ballmer and bikini to the chick), Bill Gates bankrupt, visit Windows Vista grave, "Britney Spears employed at peach factory", Pamela Anderson & Hans Klok marriage (ahum...), Windows Wireless Problems, "Get the free backup from the files you deleted yesterday here®"; they all will give LXer as its first result. Help needed!

Jan 09, 2008
1:39 PM EDT
Ah, I have evidence of the first abuse dating from even three days ago:

(Sure looks like a spammer trying to get LXer higher in the search results to me!)

What moron wrote that?

Jan 09, 2008
2:09 PM EDT
Hehehe :-)

In related news: When you search for "Linux news" in google, we're currently at #1. We finally beat "Linux Today"!

Jan 09, 2008
2:11 PM EDT
Yeah, when looking for news I havent read yet I have to -lxer from the search just to keep from cluttering up the place :)

Jan 09, 2008
3:25 PM EDT
TC, be kind to your fellow humans, they are good.

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