Open Source Search

Story: Wiki-based search engine launchedTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Jan 09, 2008
10:35 AM EDT
Love it! It is going to be my first choice. My first search was LXer, top of the list, eh?

Read the article, put Wikia in your search-engine list. Use it.

Jan 09, 2008
1:52 PM EDT
Quoting:Open Source Search

I wouldn't call it that. Wikipedia and presumably Wikia lack one thing that open source does have: Quality control. How'd you think the Linux kernel source would look like when everyone had commit access to the git master tree?

That said, it beats Google and those other closed search engines. Especially Google's high-and-mighty attitude of thinking they can tell everyone how to run the web has been annoying me of late.

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