
Story: [Poll] Browser shootout: What's your pick?Total Replies: 10
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Jan 07, 2008
6:14 AM EDT
Thanks for the tip, but pointing to a poll from here is sure to bias the results.

Jan 07, 2008
7:47 AM EDT
I doubt it, since Tectonic is pretty FOSS oriented itself. Just look at their newswire. There isn't a single non-FOSS story on their front page :-)

Jan 07, 2008
9:57 AM EDT
I can see several disadvantages of believing the results of any such self-selected poll. But I'm curious about something: Does creating a poll have some advantage that I'm not seeing, over just reading Tectonic's server logs?

Jan 07, 2008
10:01 AM EDT
Quoting:Does creating a poll have some advantage that I'm not seeing, over just reading Tectonic's server logs?

Server logs aren't accurate as many people change their browser's User Agent (the browser name/version/etc.) to something other than what it really is. Especially people who need to visit "IE Only" sites that check the UA and reject you if it doesn't report IE (never mind that the site may work perfectly well in Firefox/Opera/whatever).

Other than that...I suppose a poll increase page hits...

Jan 07, 2008
10:04 AM EDT
Quoting:Does creating a poll have some advantage that I'm not seeing, over just reading Tectonic's server logs?
Not only what techiem2 said, but also that one person reading the whole site with Opera, and another reading just one article with Firefox, would show results skewed towards Opera.

And, Tectonic may not keep that info in the server logs.

Jan 07, 2008
10:54 AM EDT
Then wouldn't the poll results be more accurate if only those people who were already visiting the Tectonic site were asked to take the poll?

In other words, if the point of the poll is to find out which browser Tectonic's visitors use, then it seems counterproductive to ask people at this site to go to theTectonic web site to "vote" for the browser that they're using, instead of just posting the poll on the Tectonic site and letting Tectonic's normal visitors vote in it.

Or am I missing something important here?

Jan 07, 2008
10:58 AM EDT
Well, some of us only read Tectonic articles that are posted here..... *shrug*

Jan 07, 2008
1:00 PM EDT
Quoting:Not only what techiem2 said, but also that one person reading the whole site with Opera, and another reading just one article with Firefox, would show results skewed towards Opera.

Now, that would give interesting statistics: How many percent of the people vote for a browser they are not using at that particular moment?

Jan 07, 2008
1:49 PM EDT
Polls are always skewed. The main benefit of this poll is probably to compare it to a previous poll and find trends. You can't trust the absolute numbers that come out of them.

Jan 07, 2008
1:59 PM EDT
OK, now I get it, they're just proud only 1% of their readers use IE and want to show off!

Jan 07, 2008
6:28 PM EDT
CB: If I had read the article at work my user agent would read IE on XP, but my honest answer would be Konqueror with Firefox on Linux as a close second.

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