KDE Tasty Menu

Story: Flipping the Linux switch: KDE, the K desktop environmentTotal Replies: 35
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Dec 31, 2007
1:08 PM EDT
The new K menu has a new version called Tasty Menu, which is still under development. It is pretty nice and must have a look here


It is slick, practical with eye candy at the same time. Wow!.

I installed it on my Kubuntu test machine and worked very nicely. It is an applet to the panel at this time. The project is headed by a developer at Suse. :)


Dec 31, 2007
1:32 PM EDT
But can I turn it off?

Dec 31, 2007
1:35 PM EDT
Quoting:But can I turn it off?

I hope so, because that's the first thing I would turn off, if it was tuned on by default on any distro I was using.

Dec 31, 2007
1:59 PM EDT
Quoting:But can I turn it off?
Turn it off? I guess to each his own and "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I happen to like it and I believe it is idle for standard users.

May be if you give it a whirl, you might change your mind.

Eventually, in KDE 4. it will replace the current K Menu in KDE 3.5.x. Some versions of it are already in KDE 3.5 (Linuxmint, PCLOS, Suse, etc...). You have the choice to right click K menu to switch at will between both.


Dec 31, 2007
2:21 PM EDT
> You have the choice to right click K menu to switch at will between both.

So, so far, it can be turned off. Good.

Dec 31, 2007
3:22 PM EDT
Sabayon has been using it as well for awhile now, and yes I can and do turn it off. There is a similar one for gnome as well, it however is even less functional.

Dec 31, 2007
3:28 PM EDT
Quoting:Turn it off? I guess to each his own and "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I happen to like it and I believe it is idle for standard users.

It's available on Mandriva 2008, I've also tried it on SuSe, I don't like it.

Dec 31, 2007
3:44 PM EDT
Quoting:So, so far, it can be turned off. Good.
I think the option of switching will be permanent since there is no need for extra effort to have both. Both menus use the same menu item lists.

Quoting:I've also tried it on SuSe
Was it the latest version? did it have the configuration options.

Quoting:I don't like it.
I won't twist your arm Tracyanne.

From Ann Arbor, Michigan. Happy new year everyone. :)


Jan 02, 2008
6:07 AM EDT
I've tried it on Open SuSE.

If you know exactly where the app you want is located, it is about the same as using the normal menu.

If you are not sure, and are browsing back and forth in the menus, it is very cumbersome to navigate.

I turned it off.

Jan 02, 2008
7:34 AM EDT
Quoting:If you are not sure, and are browsing back and forth in the menus, it is very cumbersome to navigate.
I am not sure what you mean be "browsing back and forth", the version I downloaded and using is "1.0.1-1" and you don't need to browse back and forth.

as shown and down loadable from following link


The menu has three columns and one row below them. Fist column has a drop down to select one of the following. Favourite Applications Most Used Applications Recent Applications Recent Documents

In the middle column, you have applications or groups of. if you move the cursor over an application, you click to open it, if over a group, it automatically expands the group of applications in the third column with a brief delay. Linuxmint has its best implementation without delay.

Like I said before, it is an applet for now and coexists with the standard K menu. You can configure the size of its icons and column sizes among other parameters. It functions the same as the old menu but much better grouped and organized.

It seems like you used the standard version that came with Open Suse, which is an older version.


Jan 02, 2008
12:56 PM EDT
It takes up way too much space, and from that point of view is inelegant. I dislike the way it tkes over the desktop, and It is no easier to find the application you want with this menu structure than the standard (old) menu style.

I hate it for much the same reason that I hate the Windows XP Menu, which is why when I'm using MS Windows I always use the "Classic" Menu structure.

Jan 02, 2008
1:43 PM EDT
If I don't know where a particular app is located in the menu structure, I just use the search function, and after that it appears in the history section, as well as "recently used apps". Works for me (TM)


Jan 02, 2008
1:56 PM EDT
Quoting:If you are not sure, and are browsing back and forth in the menus, it is very cumbersome to navigate.

Quoting:I am not sure what you mean be "browsing back and forth", the version I downloaded and using is "1.0.1-1" and you don't need to browse back and forth.

I think number6x used the SLES "slab" menu, which is different (though similar) to the new KDE menu. I tried the SLES slab menu when it became available on Ubuntu but didn't like it. I like the default GNOME menu's but I wish they'd take up less horizontal space. I use only one panel instead of GNOME's default two, so the menu takes up a lot of real estate that could be used for the application switcher.

Jan 02, 2008
2:31 PM EDT
Yes it was the suse version I used.

I tried to learn how to use it, but since I was unfamiliar with the SuSE layout.


Jan 02, 2008
4:57 PM EDT
I don't want to sound too pushy, but you are not giving it time and consideration. The issues you bring up are addressable.

Quoting:It takes up way too much space,...but I wish they'd take up less horizontal space
You can change the width of each column individually and make them as narrow as possible.

It doesn't take more space than the older menu and it pops up all at once with one click. The minute you select an item, it disappears like the old menu. You can event dislodge it from the panel and keep it displayed on one virtual desktop or surface of a cube if using Compiz. Besides, when you are making a selection, one doesn't need to see whatever views it temporarily obscures during the selection.
Quoting:I hate it for much the same reason that I hate the Windows XP Menu
No comparison. XP menu is slow and ugly, tasty is nappy and elegant. Like herzeleid said, you can use the Search option if you don't find what you want. Current menu doesn't have Search.

You can clear any of the favorites & recent groups in one click. It will highlight new installed apps. One other thing that is planned to be implement is to drag & drop items between the groups.

So far, it it has 81% approval rating. See more details here



Jan 02, 2008
6:22 PM EDT
Quoting:Current menu doesn't have Search.

Doesn't need it.

Jan 02, 2008
7:10 PM EDT
Quoting:Doesn't need it.
Neither does Tasty K-Menu since it's functionally the same. It is nice to have though.


Jan 02, 2008
10:30 PM EDT
Quoting:It takes up way too much space,...but I wish they'd take up less horizontal space

Quoting:You can change the width of each column individually and make them as narrow as possible.

Read my comment again: I'm not complaining about the slab menu. That takes up very little horizontal space on the panel. It's the standard gnome menu that I find to take up too much space.

My main beef with the slab menu is that it takes too many clicks to get to the application I need. IIRC it took something like 4 mouseclicks to start synaptic, as opposed to two for the default gnome menu.

Jan 03, 2008
4:05 AM EDT
> I don't want to sound too pushy, but you are not giving it time and consideration.

I did. It's ugly, cumbersome, and in my opinion is being done _because_ it resembles the menu in XP.

> No comparison. XP menu is slow and ugly, tasty is nappy and elegant.

Only to someone that likes it. I don't like rounded window corners or transparencies, either.

So long as I can turn it off, we're fine. If it's ever the only Kmenu structure, KDE will be replaced on my system.

Jan 03, 2008
8:31 AM EDT
/me agree's with Bob

although I am traditionally a fluxbox user.

Jan 03, 2008
9:44 AM EDT
Quoting:Read my comment again: I'm not complaining about the slab menu
I realize that now. The reason I thought you were referring to Tasty is because it is also available for GNOME DE. Linuxmint already has it and a user needs to click a group only once to get to a specific application.

Quoting:Only to someone that likes it.
I can't do much about not likening it, but what I am trying to understand is what is there not to like especially when its functionality is exactly the same as the current hierarchical menu with some restructuring, reorganization, more options and eye candy.

Are you sure you are looking at the latest I pointed to? If not, try its implementation in Linuxmint.


Jan 03, 2008
10:03 AM EDT
I took a quick look at it on a Mandriva install I did on a machine and can kinda see both sides. It is pretty, and seems slick if you like that type of menu structure and navigation style. But it is quite a bit different from the "classic" menu structure and navigation style.

Maybe some of us don't like it because we don't like to use menus at all (or only like to use them rarely), so the more feature-filled and fancy and multi-leveled the menu is the less we like it?


Maybe that's just me though. :)

Jan 03, 2008
10:10 AM EDT
> exactly the same as the current hierarchical menu with some restructuring, reorganization, more options and eye candy.

Oh, like the American congress is just like Parlament with some restructuring, reorganization, more options and eye candy?

Jan 03, 2008
10:18 AM EDT
Can I haz seconds?

Jan 03, 2008
11:01 AM EDT
Quoting:Oh, like the American congress is just like Parlament with some restructuring, reorganization, more options and eye candy?
So, I take it you like neither! right?


Jan 03, 2008
1:14 PM EDT
Quoting:Can I haz seconds?

Might as well since this whole discussion is centering on essentially the question of what is the best pizza topping. It's all in opinion.

Jan 04, 2008
8:39 AM EDT
> So, I take it you like neither! right?

Irrelevant. I'm trying to point out that even an elephant is just a mouse with some restructuring, reorganization, more options and eye candy.

Fundamentally, they are identical. Same cell structure, same basic DNA, same metabolic chemical interactions.

The fact that some like one, and not the other, is the issue. It doesn't matter how similar they are, what matters are the differences.

The Tasty menu system is repulsive to me. That's all. Trying to defend it as being "fundamentally the same" and therefore I aught to like it is, is, ... absurd.

Jan 04, 2008
10:13 AM EDT
Quoting:Trying to defend it as being "fundamentally the same" and therefore I aught to like it is, is, ... absurd.

Of course it would be absurd, but I wasn't trying to make you or anyone else like it.

Actually, I care less who does or doesn't like it since each has his/her preference. I said that almost in every post of mine here. What I was debating were the mis-information some had about it, not their preferences. This mis-information were probably due to the varieties and versions of this menu, which is still in development.

Quoting:the best pizza topping

The Pizza analogy is pretty good one but missed on the toppings. Tasty on the desktop is like cheese on a pizza, not a topping. You can have different kind of but it is still cheese. You can have a pizza without toppings but technically, you can't have pizza without some kind of cheese.

If you prefer pita http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pita (Xfce) instead, that would be a different story. :)


Jan 04, 2008
10:49 AM EDT
> Tasty on the desktop is like cheese on a pizza, not a topping.

So I have to give up pizza because I don't like your brand of cheese?

> I wasn't trying to make you or anyone else like it.

Abe, good sir, you are understating the vehemence of your advocacy. Such as saying that someone who doesn't like Tasty must therefore abandon KDE.

I do not doubt that you believe you're being completely reasonable. The problem is that your "reasonable" is way out toward "lunatic fringe" to the rest of us (or what I'm reading of the replies to your comments, anyway).

Trust me. I have experience in such matters.

Jan 04, 2008
11:29 AM EDT
Quoting:So I have to give up pizza because I don't like your brand of cheese? ... Such as saying that someone who doesn't like Tasty must therefore abandon KDE.

I never said or insinuated that. You just diverted my argument into a totally different direction.


Jan 04, 2008
12:34 PM EDT
> I never said or insinuated that.

Yes, you did. Explicitly:

"If you prefer pita [HYPERLINK@en.wikipedia.org] (Xfce) instead, that would be a different story."

Jan 04, 2008
4:08 PM EDT
Quoting:Yes, you did. Explicitly:

"If you prefer pita [HYPERLINK@en.wikipedia.org] (Xfce) instead, that would be a different story."


Wooh. That was in relation to the pizza analogy. You can have it with different kind of cheese, meaning Tasty or standard K-menu or any other K-menu for that matter. And if you prefer pita, meaning pizza without cheese, that would be like having Xfce.

I think you are reading too much into what I say. Please don't.


Jan 04, 2008
4:37 PM EDT
> I think you are reading too much into what I say. Please don't.

I think you are being far too strenuous in your advocacy. Please don't.

Jan 04, 2008
6:21 PM EDT
Abe and Bob,

It sounds like the conversation between the two of you has gotten a little heated.

If the two of you wish to continue in exchanging barbs at least bring the analogies back to the thread topic a little bit. :-)

Your difference of opinion seems to have stagnated participation from others which I can only hope you find as distasteful as I do.

Jan 04, 2008
10:21 PM EDT
Quoting:I'm trying to point out that even an elephant is just a mouse with some restructuring, reorganization, more options and eye candy.
To quote The Motley Fool (re: SCO): "A mouse may be able to scare an elephant, but it's only a matter of time before the elephant picks up Sylvester the cat and uses him to beat the mouse to death."

Jan 05, 2008
6:38 AM EDT

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