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Story: Rob Enderle: 2008's Apple, Dell, Google, HP, Lenovo, Sony, Microsoft And LinuxTotal Replies: 13
Author Content

Dec 29, 2007
6:01 AM EDT
Pedant's point: Need 'we' really feed the man who compares GNU/Linux users to 9/11 terrorists?

Dec 29, 2007
7:19 AM EDT
Yay, Enderle says GNU/Linux didn't do a break through this year. That actually means it did! Enderle just speaks a different language than us. :D

You know, a dialect of FUDish. :P

Dec 29, 2007
7:49 AM EDT
I just find it hilarious that the TG people felt the need to post a 3 paragraph long explanation of *why* they were running an Enderle story in the first place :-D

Dec 29, 2007
8:01 AM EDT
After they ran an article where the one-man analyst 'group' blamed Groklaw for death wishes (and then posted another article just to apologize), can you *blame them*? :-)

Dec 29, 2007
8:31 AM EDT
So many things he says make no sense.

As an example... "The product fixes the really lousy job Apple did with the iPod in cars"

Just how did ipod's fail in cars?

Microsoft's sync product was designed for use with auto sound systems. ipods were not designed for use in autos.

Its kind of like saying how bad your bicycle performed when you were scuba diving.

Does the zune work with cars the way Rob wanted his ipod to work? Why isn't that a lousy job? Why just take a swipe at Apple?

Because he only sees things from his point of view, and everything else is wrong.

Dec 29, 2007
8:49 AM EDT
Anyone who uses a soft-focus filtered 'PR' image of themselves in their articles is very, very vain.

Dec 29, 2007
9:51 AM EDT
Summary of Enderle's article

Same old same old. Rubbish, blah blah, more rubbish, blah blah...

If this guy had any professionalism, he would stop writing.

I am surprised some outfit still consider him a worth while analyst to write for them. Are they that desperate?!!!


Dec 30, 2007
2:20 AM EDT
@abe ...

WELL ... lxer posted the article and we all read it.

SO ... my conclusion is that article was good to get readers to the website, which was its purpose :-)

as to the content, it is nothing except the same standard garbage that he always does, so no change there.

Dec 30, 2007
3:25 AM EDT
Quoting:WELL ... lxer posted the article and we all read it.

SO ... my conclusion is that article was good to get readers to the website, which was its purpose :-)

I will concede your point, but not really.. ;-)

I have been asked many times why I allow articles on the newswire that are so consistently inaccurate and chock full of FUD, such as those by Rob Enderle and Matt Hartley. It is two fold.

1. Whether you or I like it or not, these authors and others are read by many of those who know nothing about Linux or Free and Open Source software and even though you and I both know they are almost always inaccurate or outright FUD, most people who read them do not. To be truly informed is to know the truth and the lies told to the unwary and/or inexperienced.

2. If and when the Enderles and Hartleys of the world are relieved of their access to such a large audience and the gullible yet uninitiated masses contained therein, I will no longer concern LXer readers with such drivel.

I do not post these kind of stories to get people to come to LXer, I post them so that LXer readers are truly informed about what is going on with FOSS to the best of my ability. If no one else published their articles, they would most certainly not receive any 'airtime' here at LXer, l promise you that.

Besides, how can you trust yourself that you know the truth about something if you are ignorant of the lies that are attempting to hide it from you?

On top of all that it is my hope that by giving these articles the kind of scrutiny that LXer readers will give them, those "gullible yet uninitiated masses" will begin to see the forest for the trees (so to speak), thus decreasing the credibility of the authors who write them and a decline in the frequency of those kinds of articles..

Lies do not go away by ignoring them, they go away by bringing attention and exposing them for what they are..

Dec 30, 2007
8:22 AM EDT
Did all these tech scriveners graduate from the Dvorak School of Dubious Writing?

We need a new Linux Compatible List of Writers: First entries would be our own TC, Carla S. and that French dude M Gagné. And that should do it! I don't care where Gnome/KDE/Distro This/ Distro That/APT/RPM/nVidia/ATI/Enterprise/Home User/Everything Else is going or has been or might even if the stars align.

Damned Big-Toothed Talking Head culture we have become! If you don't know shit then how can you talk about composting?

Dec 30, 2007
11:01 AM EDT
I think it is funny that we are criticizing Enderle, when we are guilty of doing the same thing. So, why should we waste our time emulating failure? We need more software writers that are willing to not join the software FUD war, don't play games or call names and give something more than opinion. In other words good software.

Dec 30, 2007
11:30 AM EDT
Quoting: I think it is funny that we are criticizing Enderle, when we are guilty of doing the same thing.
Who are this "we" you're talking about?

And just out of curiosity, exactly how are "we" guilty of doing the same thing as enderle?

Dec 30, 2007
2:00 PM EDT
Quoting: If you don't know shit then how can you talk about composting?

That sounds like an old saying, but I never heard it before! I like it.

Back when I was an actual working LXer editor I recall some discussions on the direction that LXer should take. If I remember correctly, it was sort of a "sensationalism and clicks at all cost" vs. "Go for quality and keeping our self-respect" type of discussion. I am pleased that Don and Scott went for quality. It's hard to make any Web site pay, whether it's steaming piles or good stuff like LXer, so at the very least make it something you can be proud of.

Dec 31, 2007
1:48 AM EDT
Quoting:I have been asked many times why I allow articles on the newswire that are so consistently inaccurate and chock full of FUD, such as those by Rob Enderle and Matt Hartley.

I'd just like to add one point: If you (the reader) disagrees with a story, you can of course write a rebuttal and post it right here on LXer:

The best recipe against FUD is posting a well thought-out rebuttal (i.e. not a flaming rant) and making sure it's read by those who've read the original FUD as well.

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