Ms "open standards"

Story: Microsoft talks open standards in CapeTotal Replies: 1
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Dec 03, 2007
11:12 PM EDT
A drats, I would have loved to hear this lovely FUD conference and perhaps heckle a bit, but alas I can't make it. It's just a few blocks from where I work. And to top it off, the speaker, Paulo Ferreira (assuming it's the same guy), was Managing Director of a company I used to work for around 1996-ish. The company in question, was a small ISP that was a subsidiary of South Africa's monolpolist telecommunications company, Telkom. So he has plenty of experience working for monopolies.

EDIT: I just realised I capitalised MS as Ms... making it sound like some hokey pageant.

Dec 04, 2007
11:18 AM EDT
hmm... Ms. Open Standards.... Maybe someone SHOULD make that a pageant.... Might be good for public awareness of the issues. :)

And yeah...I bet there will be some good quotes at that talk... From MS...the people who already said they don't intend to follow the ECMA OOXML standard if it doesn't suit their purposes...

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