maddog and The Last Farkle

Story: The Last FarkleTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Dec 02, 2007
11:53 AM EDT
Once I had a distro actually running, the search for help started. J. maddog H. was posting on the old "TinyMinds" site. He was everything good in the Linux community. He still is.

Read the article and learn a little about Linux/FOSS/cool people and what community is!

Thanks maddog.

Dec 02, 2007
12:10 PM EDT
I still remember my first New York Linuxworld --

I went into the big hallway and saw all of the shiny booths, etc. I knew that I was actually there when I saw Mad Dog sitting Buddha-like at a table -- what was it for? Linux Foundation? -- talking to Dave Whitinger.

Ah, the memories.

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