Why the current hostility to ACCRC?

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Nov 13, 2007
8:52 PM EDT
Thomas Lord is an accomplished OSS developer, as seen at his fine site, http://regexps.srparish.net/www/. Furthermore, he is a an
Quoting:Excellent programmer, founder of successful free software projects (GNU Arch, GNU Guile), strong C programmer, configuration/build tools experience, years of experience with GNU/Linux and Unix generally. Notorious curmudgeon. Good knowledge of applied CS and practical software engineering. Revision control system expert. A variety of ongoing projects in early stages (a wiki engine, a globally distributed file manager, high-level language interpreters, an advanced Unicode string library, a few more). "Merit" winner of an Open Source Award (www.opensource.org), Q2 2004. Long time supporter and periodic project maintainer for the Free Software Foundation GNU project (www.gnu.org).
So why then would someone as FOSS-positive as Thomas turn so consistently against James Burgett and the ACCRC ? Like wjl, James Burgett is very much highly supportive of Linux and FOSS. In fact, the usage of such is in part essential to whatever notoriety and success ACCRC already possesses. Thomas goes by username dasht at James Burgett's blog, http://www.aftermath-technologies.blogspot.com/ Besides 'dasht' and 'doubting thomas', Thomas may have other usernames more loosely based upon dt........ Anyone to opine a guess on 'dt''s true justification of this anti-Burgett negativity ?

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