
Story: Microsoft's Open Source TrashwareTotal Replies: 23
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Aug 24, 2007
10:39 AM EDT
Obviously not written for "Linux Watch". :^)

I like SJVN-Jekyll's writings. SJVN-Hyde, not so much.

Aug 24, 2007
11:10 AM EDT
Bob -

Do you think we could really have Jekyll without Hyde?

SJVN's corporate outlook may be part of why he can so effectively write an article like this one.

Aug 24, 2007
11:27 AM EDT
It's not that one can or cannot exist without the other. It's that one writes for a specific publication.

Aug 24, 2007
11:31 AM EDT
>It's that one writes for a specific publication.

Sure, but is that an accident?

Aug 24, 2007
11:35 AM EDT
I'm seriously curious, why are you asking? What are you trying to find out?

Do you have any reason for asking?

Aug 24, 2007
11:39 AM EDT
>Do you have any reason for asking?

Depends --

He could write what he writes because of who he's writing for or he could write for who he's writing for because of what he writes.

Aug 24, 2007
11:47 AM EDT
Ok, let me try a different tack.

Why are you asking _me_? How can I answer for the motivations of another?

If you are actually asking for my opinion of why SJVN-Hyde writes for LinuxWatch and SJVN-Jekyll writes for every other publication where his work shows up, yes I do have an opinion completely unsubstantiated and without any basis in fact.

I think MS funds LinuxWatch.

Aug 24, 2007
12:12 PM EDT
> I think MS funds LinuxWatch


You see nothing but MS ads at, but Linux-Watch?

I don't thing that is all that deferential to MS ...

Aug 24, 2007
12:16 PM EDT
>Why are you asking _me_?

Are you serious?


Quoting:It's not that one can or cannot exist without the other. It's that one writes for a specific publication.

Aug 24, 2007
12:52 PM EDT
> Are you serious?

Yes. I am still completely without a clue about what you were asking with these questions:

> Do you think we could really have Jekyll without Hyde?

> Sure, but is that an accident?

These make no sense, unless you are asking something I cannot answer in any other way than blatantly-personal opinion. One I gave, actually, when no other response seemed possible.

And now you ask if I'm "serious"?

Different planets, indeed. You live in some kind of bizzaro world, Dino. If the answer I gave doesn't fit your question, please ask a different question. As an example, please see where I changed my response from "why are you asking" to "why are you asking _me_".

Now, please, do you actually have a question? If so, can you ask it in plain English?

Steven_Rosenber: > You see nothing but MS ads at, but Linux-Watch?

I refer only to my continued observation that everything SJVN-Jekyll writes is interesting, informative and positive toward F/OSS even when citing errors.

SJVN-Hyde is consistently critical of F/OSS, and not just pointing out shortcomings. I read a lot of articles before the pattern became clear, and it has remained very polar-opposite of the attitude demonstrated by SJVN-Jekyll.

SJVN-Hyde only writes for one publication. SJVN-Jekyll writes _everywhere_ else.

> I don't thing that is all that deferential to MS ...

Now don't get me wrong, the stated purpose of LinuxWatch is "keeping an eye on the Penguin". Nothing wrong with that, pointing out shortcomings and needed improvements is a _good_ thing. Endless praise makes for big heads.

As for (and for that matter having abusive levels of Microsoft adverts, I agree. But I don't see editorial influence in L.T., at least, due to the adverts. Brian Profitt has stated many times the ads are served by Jupiter Media, not their subsidiary LinuxToday.

Aug 24, 2007
12:56 PM EDT
>You live in some kind of bizzaro world, Dino.

I believe bizarro applies more accurately to somebody who makes a comment and then wonders why somebody would ask him about it.

Aug 24, 2007
1:08 PM EDT
> I believe bizarro applies more accurately to somebody who makes a comment and then wonders why somebody would ask him about it.

Ok, I'll try again: Since my answers have, obviously, not been satisfactory, will you please ask your question again?


Aug 24, 2007
1:18 PM EDT
By your reference to one side of the SJVN duality writing for a specific publication, you seemed to imply a certain dishonesty:

ie, I'm writing for these guys, so I'll be A. When writing for those guys, I'll be B.

Isn't it also possible that he is, in fact, A & B, and has arranged outlets for each side?

Aug 24, 2007
1:30 PM EDT
Thank you, that is something I can answer.

Of course it's possible. That particular angle is something that never occurred to me, being the consistency of the difference in attitude.

Not dis-honesty, just allowing the payer to call the tune.

Aug 24, 2007
5:46 PM EDT
>Not dis-honesty, just allowing the payer to call the tune.

or, alternatively, finding a payer who wants your tune.

Aug 24, 2007
6:32 PM EDT
Quoting:finding a payer who wants your tune.

The coin has two sides and SJVN covers both. I don't know how could, but some how he does it.


Aug 24, 2007
7:54 PM EDT
Bob and Dino, Sometimes you two are funny, without meaning to be.

I think it has more to do with the cumulative affect of me working 50+ hours a week in 110 degree heat this past month or so, but then again maybe watching you two dance like gasoline and matches is growing on me...maybe.



Aug 24, 2007
8:57 PM EDT
At 110f matches and gasoline might just be a good way to cool off.

Whats that old saying? Give a man fire and he's warm for a day, set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.

Aug 24, 2007
9:14 PM EDT
Quoting:Whats that old saying? Give a man fire and he's warm for a day, set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.


That's Awesome!

Aug 25, 2007
2:25 AM EDT
Quoting:Whats that old saying? Give a man fire and he's warm for a day, set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.

In the event I decide to hold a barbecue, you are not invited.

Aug 25, 2007
10:46 AM EDT
> watching you two dance like gasoline and matches...

Dance? I thought I was trying to nail Jello to a wall.

Aug 25, 2007
12:26 PM EDT
>I thought I was trying to nail Jello to a wall.

Well, there's your problem.

You should put away the hammer and apply reason.

Aug 25, 2007
12:52 PM EDT
Quoting:Dance? I thought I was trying to nail Jello to a wall.

My first thought was, "your definitely going to need a bigger hammer"..


Aug 25, 2007
1:05 PM EDT
> "your definitely going to need a bigger hammer"..

It takes time for the optimist to recognize futility. I guess I've had enough time now, sad to say.

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