thanks dell

Story: Dell fixes Ubuntu laptop pricingTotal Replies: 3
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Jul 12, 2007
11:10 AM EDT
thanks dell

you rock!!

Jul 12, 2007
11:34 AM EDT
Don't you get the impression that Michael Dell is the only person in the entire company with a brain? Bogus links, incorrect information, and erroneous pricing...who's doing all this brilliant work, cats and monkeys?

edit: I agree they deserve applause for hanging in there and fixing the problems. It's no fun having the FOSS crowd as an eagle-eyed, vocal audience. Still, they have done this sort of selling-PCs-on-the-Web before, I'm pretty sure. :)

Jul 12, 2007
11:53 AM EDT
Dont bet on the prices being fixed, took me less than 5 minutes to discover that I in one case there is a 300 dollar discrepancy off of the base system prices. And I actually am looking for a new laptop.

Jul 12, 2007
11:53 AM EDT
> Still, they have done this sort of selling-PCs-on-the-Web before, I'm pretty sure.

The problem seems to be that not everyone is fully aware of the Ubuntu systems yet. So when some marketing division comes up with a promotion, the Ubuntu systems aren't included. Then someone notices and raises holy h*** (which they should) and they have to fix it. It would be a lot simpler if they could simply offer Ubuntu as an OS option on all of their machines, but I can understand why they aren't ready to do that yet. Hopefully they'll get to that point eventually.

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