IBM's Counter-FUD on patents

Story: Microsoft patent deals: the last home of the dying (Updated)Total Replies: 1
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Jul 11, 2007
10:35 AM EDT
Another move in the software patent game.

IBM is offering a patent covenant to implementers of a bunch of IT standards, with the catch being that you lose all of the covenant protection if you sue over any patent that reads on any software that's also covered by the covenant.

(via LWN)

Useful mutual defense to counter the "Linux infringes Microsoft patents" FUD.

Now the only thing missing is for someone to wave a number around, saying that's how many IBM patents Microsoft infringes, and will get sued for if it attacks Linux. Someone want to come up with one? It will be News. Free ink for your law firm.

Of course, publishing the number itself isn't really IBM's style. Microsoft, for some reason, is adopting the old Soviet Union strategy of the May Day parade, while the other side's deterrent is kept a little more discreet.

Jul 11, 2007
1:33 PM EDT
Added to the queue.

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