"was at a seminar the other day"

Story: Open-source evolves from 'nerdy' to notableTotal Replies: 0
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Jul 05, 2007
10:41 AM EDT
Quoting:was at a seminar the other day

attended by representatives of multinationals, ministries, universities, consultants, managers, decision makers, engineers, sales people, vendors, the usual.

Vista wasn't even a topic. General verdict: thumbs down.

Reasons heard: too expensive, no desire to upgrade hardware first to make use of full features, not going to touch it before a good SP is released, busy keeping the boat afloat, busy with business requirements, busy with implementing solution something.

So anyone there bumping their nose against application particulars when combined with Vista? No, not before a stable SP release anyway. 2008 maybe. History lessons: when was W2K SP4 released compared to when the SP0 version was released to the general public.? XP SP2? W2K3 SP2? Until then let the early adopters burn their resources on it. We've invested enough and got better things to do.

Interesting detail. Plenty of them do have (make?) time to either research what Open Source could mean for them and/or are testing out Open Source either in their lab or limited deployments. And plenty of them couldn't find reasons to pull the plug on it. So it's safe to say that Open Source not only infiltrated plenty of organizations. It also infiltrated into the minds of plenty of decision makers. Without being rejected soon after that. Quite the opposite.

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