
Story: Why Microsoft and Linux Companies Are Tying the KnotTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Jun 18, 2007
1:00 PM EDT
Quoting:"In the early days of Linux, we had no choice but to bang the 'fight Microsoft' drum (and as you know, no one did it better than Linspire)


Quoting: Linspire was first known as Lindows and eventually reached an out of court settlement with Microsoft], because we needed to get everyone's attention, including Microsoft's, and to be honest, back then, Linux didn't work very well on the desktop, so it was pretty much the only thing we could find to say about it to get attention."


Quoting: That's no longer the case today, said Carmony. Microsoft has a better understanding of what Linux and open source is, and how to work in a cooperative manner with Linux, and we have a lot more interesting things to talk about."


Is this for real?

Squirming, justifications and excuses is what I hear.

I remember when Linspire came out and the Linux I was using worked plenty OK. If it was all "just to get attention" why the big launch? Why the big appeal? I remember the way Microsoft sued in court after court looking for precedence.

Microsoft has a better understanding..... Only because they're being keel-hauled by the inevitability of Linux.

Revamped version -Microsoft are inevitable so we rolled over and played the role of poor cousin because Microsoft told us that's the only role allowed us.

Jun 18, 2007
2:46 PM EDT
Quoting: I remember when Linspire came out and the Linux I was using worked plenty OK.

I think that when Linspire came out, Debian proper far exceeded it on the desktop and the server.

Still does, in fact.

Jun 19, 2007
6:11 AM EDT

Debian proper blew the doors of Lindows...er...Linspire back then. This article is more full of potholes than a NYC street.

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