Does Ebay work in Linux?

Story: My eBay Fox Challenges Official eBay Companion for FirefoxTotal Replies: 6
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May 16, 2007
8:49 AM EDT
Last I checked, ebay didn't work in Linux....has it changed yet? Just curious...I don't use it at all.

May 16, 2007
8:51 AM EDT
I've never had any problem with it.

Well, other than it sucking.

May 16, 2007
9:00 AM EDT
works fine in both Konqueror and firefox.

May 16, 2007
10:40 AM EDT
I've used it in Linux since the late 90's.

May 16, 2007
5:57 PM EDT
/me counts the turnips in the truck and comes up one short.

"Get back in there devnet"


It's always worked fine for me with firefox/iceweasel.

May 17, 2007
2:10 AM EDT
I just used ebay to bid on a laptop. If I would have been sucesssful, I would have wiped it and installed devnet's *fav'rite* distro on it! (Ubuntu)

So, yes, not only does it work with linux, it works with gnome and firefox! ;-)

Now, I note that, in passing, ebay is using more java.than I remember them using. As a sometime Java developer, I'm curious about that. It feels like the site is more responsive than in the past and I'm wondering what they've done. (I don't use ebay a lot.)

Don K.

May 17, 2007
6:10 AM EDT
Well, with my new job, I have to have a new favorite...Foresight Linux. And Gnome. So this KDE/PCLinuxOS guy has had a least to spin up with knowledge on the new job :)

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