Factual mistake I noticed

Story: Installing 64-bit Oracle 10g on 64-bit LinuxTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

May 12, 2007
1:42 PM EDT
The author dismisses SuSE enterprise linux with a wave of the hand, claiming it's not possible to obtain it for free... But of course, anyone who hasn't been living under a rock for the past 3 years has probably gotten emails from Novell, inviting them to download SLES for a free trial, fully supported. That would have worked wonderfully BTW for the purposes of the author's Oracle testing.

BTW, at the end of the trial period, does SLES turn into a pumpkin, or suddenly stop working? Nope. You just stop getting access to updates, as the free support ride ends after the trial period.

May 12, 2007
4:16 PM EDT
I feel left out. I never got those e-mails from Novell :-(

/me finds a rock to crawl under

May 13, 2007
8:39 AM EDT
Quoting: sander: I feel left out. I never got those e-mails from Novell :-(
I feel your pain - but cheer up, here's a link to download Suse enterprise linux.


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