DJBDNS is stable, secure, and best of breed software
Author | Content |
pat May 08, 2007 3:29 AM EDT |
naq va gur Havk genqvgvba vf fvzcyr, eryvnoyr naq syrkvoyr. (jvgu gunaxf gb wqvkba sbe gur fhowrpg) |
dcparris May 08, 2007 6:23 AM EDT |
Sorry, but the license fails my license test. It's unusable in my neck of the woods. I don't trust non-FOSS software. If the license does not meet the standards of the FSF or at least the OSI, I keep right on moving. |
pat May 08, 2007 1:42 PM EDT |
Vg vf irel fvzcyr Qba, gurer vf ab yvprafr gb snvy lbhe grfg jvgu guvf fbsgjner. Bayl pbclevtug naq gur nhgube pyrneyl gryyf lbh jung lbh pna naq pnaabg qb jvgu vg. Vg jbexf sbe obbxf, rirelqnl. |
dinotrac May 08, 2007 1:45 PM EDT |
>author clearly tells you what you can and cannot do with it. And this differs from a license in what way? |
pat May 08, 2007 2:31 PM EDT |
Fb, jura lbh chepunfr n obbx Qvabgenp, qb lbh erdhver gung gur nhgube tvir lbh crezvffvba gb zbqvsl gur obbx, ol fnl nqqvat n puncgre, fb lbh pna gura erfryy vg haqre gur fnzr anzr? Jbhyq ghkpuvpx yrg lbh qb gung gb ure obbx? Jul vf guvf fbzrubj erdhverq sbe guvf cvrpr bs fbsgjner. Ur vf tvivat lbh nyy gur serrqbz lbh erdhver gb znxr punatrf, jul qb lbh jnag gb erjevgr vg naq pnyy vg gur fnzr guvat? Jung vf fb qvssvphyg gb haqrefgnaq nobhg guvf? |
dinotrac May 08, 2007 2:35 PM EDT |
so pat - Who cares about a book? We are talking software and we are talking about the law as it applies to software. There are many things in life that wishing don't make so. As it is, I don't even know who you are. I do, however, know who my copyrights professor was in law school. Forced to choose between you, guess which way I'll go? |
jimf May 08, 2007 2:36 PM EDT |
> author clearly tells you what you can and cannot do with it. Which makes the code proprietary. Why do you have trouble getting that??? Many of the people in this forum believe that Free software (specifically GPL'd code) is the only ethical way to go. I don't go that far, but, I do think it far more preferable than proprietary. For me, proprietary software is fine as long as the author is willing and able to support it, and, there is no open source option. In this case it looks like your author's just left it to rot. Sure you can patch it to your hearts' content, but sooner or later you're going to run out of options. Why can you not understand that point? Again, you are entirely entitled to use and tout djbdns. Just don't expect many people to accept your choice with open arms, especially, when there are better and more supportable free software options. It doesn't work that way. |
Sander_Marechal May 08, 2007 2:39 PM EDT |
It's not Free Software if you can't take the code, make changes, and redistribute the whole. It's that easy. DJBDNS may have a permissive license, and you might find it adequate, but it's not Free Software. Dino and Don simply say that if it isn't Free Software then they don't want it. |
dinotrac May 08, 2007 2:41 PM EDT |
jimf - The funny thing is that nobody on this forum has said that the software is crap. They've just said that they don't want to use it. I say the same thing about lots of software every day. For that matter, I tend to shy away from lots of software that doesn't seem like it's actively maintained, especially if its critical. You and others are free to choose differently, a concept Pat doesn't seem to grasp. |
dinotrac May 08, 2007 2:43 PM EDT |
>Dino and Don simply say that if it isn't Free Software then they don't want it. Whoops!! Got me in the wrong crowd. I'm perfectly willing to use non-free software for some things, if there is no good free alternative. Mostly, though, I'm not interested in non-free stuff. |
jimf May 08, 2007 2:49 PM EDT |
> a concept Pat doesn't seem to grasp. It certainly appears that way. I begin to wonder what Pat's motivation is in all this? > Mostly, though, I'm not interested in non-free stuff. Me neither. |
pat May 08, 2007 3:06 PM EDT |
qvabgenp:Lbh naq bguref ner serr gb pubbfr qvssreragyl, n pbaprcg Cng qbrfa'g frrz gb tenfc. V arire fnvq nalguvat bs gur fbeg. qvabgenp: Sbe gung znggre, V graq gb ful njnl sebz ybgf bs fbsgjner gung qbrfa'g frrz yvxr vg'f npgviryl znvagnvarq, rfcrpvnyyl vs vgf pevgvpny. V'z gur rknpg bccbfvgr, nf ybat nf gur fbsgjner nhgube vf npghnyyl n erny crefba jvgu n erny wbo naq abg fbzrbar jub jebgr fbzrguvat naq qvfnccrnerq bs gur snpr bs gur cynarg. Sbe pevgvpny freivprf, V ybbx sbe jryy jevggra, qbphzragngrq, fgnoyr fbsgjner jvgu n uvfgbel bs irel srj gb mreb frphevgl vffhrf naq na npgvir vagryyvtrag hfre pbzzhavgl . Vs gur znvyvat yvfg sbe gur fbsgjner vf shyy bs "arj eryrnfr", "ubj qb V", "PCH ng znk nsgre yngrfg hcqngr", rgp, gura sbe zr gur fbsgjner vf abg sbe zl pevgvpny freivprf. V yvxr gb fyrrc ng avtug. V cebonoyl fubhyq qrsvar fgnoyr. Fgnoyr gb zr vf, gur fbsgjner qbrfa'g punatr bire gvzr, hayrff V jnag vg gbb. Irel yvggyr fbsgjner gurfr qnlf vf fgnoyr. Fbzr crbcyr pbashfr fgnoyr jvgu gur fbsgjner orvat nonaqbarq. Fbzr crbcyr unir guvf fgenatr abgvba gung fbsgjner ebgf. V'ir arire fzryyrq ebggra fbsgjner ba nal bs zl freiref. V nyfb yvxr fbsgjner gung vf fznyy naq qbrf bar guvat irel jryy, naq pna unir srngherf nqqrq ol hfvat vg va pbawhpgvba jvgu bgure fbsgjner. Ubjrire vg vf uneq gb qb nalguvat jvgu guvf irel aneebj sbphf. Fb, V qb hfr n ybg bs bgure fbsgjner yvxr cuc naq ncnpur gung V jngpu yvxr n unjx. V'z nyfb hfvat atvak sbe jro freivat. Vg ybbxf irel avpr naq vf cerggl gvtug pbqr jvfr. |
pat May 08, 2007 3:07 PM EDT |
wvzs: Vg pregnvayl nccrnef gung jnl. V ortva gb jbaqre jung Cng'f zbgvingvba vf va nyy guvf? Oynzr ghkpuvpx, fur qrpvqrq gb tb artngvir ba n tbbq cvrpr bs fbsgjner jvgu bhg qbvat nal erfrnepu. |
jimf May 08, 2007 3:36 PM EDT |
> Blame tuxchick, she decided to go negative on a good piece of software with out doing any research. No Pat, the blame is pretty much on you. Most, if not all, of TC's concerns have been shown as real. You just didn't like what she said, or the way she said it. You keep refering to djbdns as ' a good piece of software', and what we're all telling you is that that's a pretty subjective assessment... more accurate if you preface it with 'in my opinion'. We might buy that one. |
pat May 08, 2007 3:55 PM EDT |
Ab wvzs. ghkpuvpx qvq abg unir gb pbzzrag ba n ubj gb. V guvax fur pubfr gb nggnpu cbbeyl erfrnepurq bcvavba gb shegure fbzr haxabja ntraqn ntnvafg n cvrpr bs fbsgjner gur fur nqzvggrq gb hfvat va gur cnfg. Gb zr gung chgf gur oynzr fbyryl ba ure. Fur qvqa'g unir gb pbzzrag ba gur negvpyr. V nyfb guvax gung fur qvq n terng qvffreivpr gb gur negvpyrf nhgube, ubj-gb sbetr naq gur serr fbsgjner pbzzhavgl va trareny ol choyvfuvat bcvavba nf snpg. Gur fbbare jr fgbc gur artngvivgl nobhg nyy fbsgjner, gur orggre. Naq, V fgvyy qba'g oryvrir gung fbsgjner ebgf. |
Sander_Marechal May 08, 2007 4:13 PM EDT |
Quoting:Whoops!! Got me in the wrong crowd. I'm perfectly willing to use non-free software for some things, if there is no good free alternative. I apologize. /me re-files dino under "P" for proprietary, locks the cabinet and goes out for coffee ;-) |
tuxchick May 08, 2007 4:21 PM EDT |
Oh you naive young LXerers, don't you know when you're being trolled? Oh well, if you're having fun I shan't get in your way! |
pat May 08, 2007 4:25 PM EDT |
hkpuvpx, guvf vf gur frpbaq gvzr lbh'ir qbar gung. V unira'g fnvq bar jbeq nobhg lbh crefbanyyl, fb fgbc jvgu gur nq ubzvarz nggnpxf. |
jimf May 08, 2007 4:27 PM EDT |
> don't you know when you're being trolled? After that last one I sure do :D |
azerthoth May 08, 2007 5:28 PM EDT |
Troll Call |
dinotrac May 08, 2007 5:34 PM EDT |
>I never said anything of the sort. Of course you have. Your entire theme in this conversation is offense at others weighing the merits of a particular piece of software differently from the way you do. Sounds like freedom is not something you value as it entails others making choices for reasons that differ from yours. |
jdixon May 08, 2007 5:51 PM EDT |
> Blame tuxchick, she decided to go negative on a good piece of software with out doing any research. In TC's own words: "I totally love any alternative to the bloaty, ridiculously-complex BIND, and used to deploy djbdns a lot. But there haven't been any updates in years, and DJB's silly re-distribution policy (patches may be distributed, but not modified code or binaries) assures that it will orphaned." That doesn't sound like a lack of research to me. > Oh well, if you're having fun I shan't get in your way! Don't worry TC, we can take care of ourselves. I have my battery powered full spectrum light all ready to go. :) > The sooner we stop the negativity about all software, the better. Saying that a piece of software has been abandoned is not negativity. It is a statement of fact, which can be verified as either true or not. In this case, it is true. Saying that a piece of software is not "Free Software" is not negativity. Again, it's a fact which can be verified. Again, in this case, it's true. All of the things you state in your title are true, with one caveat: For its time. All of the things TC stated are true: the software is abandoned, and it does not use a Free Software license, which history has shown does assure that it will be orphaned. Simply put, you are both right, but while TC is willing to accept your points, you're not willing to accept hers. Jimf is correct, you just don't like what she said or how she said it. |
pat May 09, 2007 2:31 AM EDT |
Oh, my it is true! Look above my posts, they've.....rotted! |
jimf May 09, 2007 3:11 AM EDT |
Grow up Pat. |
pat May 09, 2007 3:16 AM EDT |
Never, why would I want to take the fun out of life. |
jdixon May 09, 2007 3:27 AM EDT |
> Look above my posts, they've.....rotted! Well, they did stink... |
pat May 09, 2007 3:35 AM EDT |
Is smell a feature of a Dell PC? (I asked for that one, btw). |
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