A typical Linux SuSe user

Story: Who are the Linux desktop users?Total Replies: 1
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May 06, 2007
3:26 PM EDT
A perfect example of how polls can mislead....

May 07, 2007
5:21 AM EDT
No. Kidding. I just skimmed that, and it seemed very weak to me.

I for instance, am in my 40s, haven't taken a college class since 1983, and the only hardware support I find "lacking" is for sound cards. For some reason, I've only ever gotten sound cards to work with SuSE 7.3 and 8.0. For some examples of strange hardware support, I just put Slackware 11.0 on a 700 MHz Pentium 3 box, that a friend's employer's IT department was going to scrap. It had an SiS-based graphics card in it. I got X11 working on that SiS-based card, and put in an original 1995 Matrox Millenium card, which also worked. Dual 1152x864 monitors! De luxe!

I am, however, a Slackware user, and I imagine that a poll of self-selecting Slackware users would have a more bizarre distribution than that of OpenSuSE users.

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