Strange gets stranger...

Story: Reiser Prosecution Jolt: Victim's Ex-Lover Confesses to Eight KillingsTotal Replies: 6
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May 05, 2007
7:02 PM EDT
I saw this earlier, and didn't know if I should post it up or not, but, you're is of interest to the community, for more than Linux reasons.

As big a PITA as HR can be, I sure hope he turns out to be innocent in all of this, and not merely not guilty.

Such a sad bad story.

May 05, 2007
9:33 PM EDT
Strange that the guy confess to all but Reiser's wife. If nothing else, one has to say that Han's runs with a 'very' weird crowd...

May 06, 2007
2:40 AM EDT
>Strange that the guy confess to all but Reiser's wife.


If I were Reiser's attorney, I would make the case that the guy has an axe to grind (yikes! Pun only semi-unintentional) with Reiser, is finding yet another way to stick it to him. Who's more likely to kill in anger, the experienced killer or the system programmer? Who's more likely to dispose of a body that's never found, the guy who's already killed eight people, or the system programmer?

OTOH, Clyde didn't kill Bonnie.

May 06, 2007
6:15 AM EDT
Quoting:I would make the case that the guy has an axe to grind

Oh Dino, your good...

May 06, 2007
6:19 AM EDT
> Who's more likely to kill in anger, the experienced killer or the system programmer?

Wow, that's a really tough one ;-)

May 06, 2007
7:00 AM EDT
>Wow, that's a really tough one ;-)

Yeah, but only because the guy's killed 8 people. If it were less than 5, no contest.

May 06, 2007
7:23 AM EDT
saw this also on

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