Article goes to extremes

Story: Ubuntu Founder: No Emulation Software for Dell SystemsTotal Replies: 1
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May 04, 2007
9:02 PM EDT
Listening to the interview, Mr. Shuttleworth merely was pointing out that the idea of Linux merely being a wine-only platform for Windows apps was looking at things the wrong way.

I don't think Mark was trying to restrict what Dell-Ubuntu can do... I think it's really going to be Ubuntu, warts and all!

The fact that VMware was mentioned so favorably tells me that Mark realizes that people use Linux to get the job done and to show how free software can compete rather than censoring what people can do.

So... it's basically a lie to say "No Emulation Software for Dell Systems". You can have Ubuntu on your Dell and wine too.


May 05, 2007
10:58 AM EDT
I hope the entire Debian repository is available to Ubuntu users who wish to set it up in apt/Synaptic/whatever.

WINE is working really smoothly these days for me in both Debian and Fedora.

One problem I have with all other VM solutions compared with WINE/Crossover: All the others require a Windows license to work, legally. WINE does not.

The bit about staying legal and using a Windows program is a deal-breaker for me, except for WINE/Crossover. I admit to *legally* using Quicken 2002 in WINE, though I won't be doing business with Intuit in the future.

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