Ahem. I detect a contradiction.

Story: Does WINE + Linux support more Windows apps than Vista?Total Replies: 2
Author Content

Apr 30, 2007
8:13 PM EDT
Before commenting: I run only Linux on my personal systems.

Now then, the blog post implies that prior versions of apps won't run on Vista. Fine.

The post implies that WINE can run many of these, fine.

But the blog post implies that Vista is a manipulative attempt to lock-in the OS to MS. But the evidence presented contradicts that: The apps run on XP, not Vista.

I know that others here, analytical thinkers all, can easily refute the post, and still point out the attempts by MS to lock in users with their Vista OS.

For the Devil's Sympathy,...

Apr 30, 2007
8:24 PM EDT
Microsoft innovated several forms of lock-in. Forced upgrades is their favorite one. It sounds contradictory, but as long as people keep upgrading both hardware and software, and stick to microshaft in the process, that keeps the big microsoft money engine humming along, and that's what keeps so many hardware vendors as slaves of Sauron. It never fails to amuse me how some folks think Macs are too expensive, but by the time they shovel over enough money to have a functioning Vista system, they could have purchased a fleet of iMacs.

Apr 30, 2007
11:56 PM EDT
I use Cedega for gaming (WoW), CrossOver Pro for Productivity (Visio 2003) and the rest runs in a VM on VMware Workstation. Even Lotus Notes 7.0.1 is now native on Linux (tough install thou)

This gives me enough flexibility for ensuring that I can run Linux on my corporate Laptop.

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