
Story: Exclusive Interview: Tux500 TeamTotal Replies: 2
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Apr 26, 2007
12:09 PM EDT
*throws on Penguin Pete Patented Stupon-o-tron helmet*

This is nothing short of a scam! Scam I tell you! And if it isn't a're pissing all over Linux the whole lot of you!

*makes threatening anvil dropping motions with hands from circle/diku-MUD days*

This whole scam has no credibility!!! None! While, everyone should listen to me and my massive credibility!! I'm bringing up the REAR on this protest!!! There's plenty of others out there that think this is a SCAM with a capital "S". It's just that,,,, and are all IN ON THE SCAM!! SJVN bows to devnet and helios!!! They have him SCAMMED over too!! Anyone that doesn't see things your way is labeled as heretic! Linux isn't yours! PCLinuxOS Sux!

*takes off Penguin Pete Patented Stupon-o-tron helmet*

What was I saying?

Oh, an interview with :)

Apr 26, 2007
2:55 PM EDT
thank ya, thankyaverymuchhhh

Ladies and Gentlmen, the Bad Elvis impersonation has left the forum.

Apr 29, 2007
11:07 AM EDT
*throws on Penguin Pete Patented Stupon-o-tron helmet*

Hey, you see! Helios and Devnet posting in _one_ thread and _agreeing_! If that's not a proof of them being brothers in arms in this scam!

*takes off Penguin Pete Patented Stupon-o-tron helmet* (Damn, that helmet is warm with temperatures reaching 27C/81F over here the past few days!)

Serious, you _did_ notice Linux marketing is a threat to Penguin Pete's ReactOS utopy, didn't you? Especially, when Ubuntu is involved, since more ex-Windows users are switching to Ubuntu-Linux than to ReactOS, the latter being 'far superior since it isn't a Unix-replacement'.

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