FUD of the week candidate?

Story: Mac and Linux attacks set to riseTotal Replies: 8
Author Content

Apr 24, 2007
9:08 PM EDT
The day that Linux starts to rely on AV software for protection rather that fixing the vulnerability, I am gone to another OS. But I do not think that will ever happen!!!

Apr 24, 2007
10:02 PM EDT
FUD of the week?

Its on the list, that's for sure..

The only thing the author did was prove that he doesn't know jack about Linux..

Apr 24, 2007
10:03 PM EDT
Counter prediction: The more people that realise what a three wheeled jalopy of an OS Vista really is http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=39123 http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=39087 http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=39025 http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/04/23/vista_program_naming... the more of them will look for alternatives.

Apr 24, 2007
10:15 PM EDT
Holy Cow Sal,

I had seen the first article but not the other three..244 copies and name specific admin rights!?!?! LOL!!

Apr 25, 2007
3:10 AM EDT
The author would like to increase sales, and with less windows machines in use, if his prediction comes true, where else must he go to peddles his wares.

Apr 25, 2007
4:48 AM EDT
It's just Kaspersky: they beat that particular dead horse once or twice a year, in some weird orgy of both wishful thinking, and failure to remember history.

Now, if MacAfee had said this, then we could believe it. Not.

Apr 25, 2007
7:58 AM EDT
Quoting:security guru Eugene Kaspersky

Quoting:The open source nature of Linux makes it intrinsically more vulnerable, apparently.

Does anyone see a contradiction here, or is it just me?

Apr 25, 2007
8:30 AM EDT
Well Hans, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. So in this corner we have Windows, completely closed-source and well-protected by patents, EULAs, multi-billion dollar marketing, the best laws money can buy, and the BSA (Beastly Strong-Arm thugs). At last count, something like ten million billion trillion Widnoze peecees were happy, productive members of botnets.

In this corner, Linux and all other Unix and Unix-type operating systems, where even the closed sekkrit proprietary versions really don't have any secrets left. All that juicy wide-open source code just waiting for evil genuises to exploit and create a quintillion-node botnet!

And waiting, and waiting....

Apr 25, 2007
9:48 AM EDT
tuxchick you got that right "And waiting, and waiting...."

Proof of concept in windows only generates NEWS, until an exploit is found in the wild, only then it "may" generate some sort of action.

Proof of concept in Linux normally generates patches.

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