humor? irony?

Story: Mixing Politics and Linux: So UncoolTotal Replies: 9
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Mar 21, 2007
12:42 AM EDT
i am missing a humor or irony tag here.

i can't seriously believe that someone would consider not using linux just because politicians use it.

and how does having such users make linux become more like windows?

if you don't like the user interface, pick another one! even twm is still there if you really long for that 80s feel in computing.

greetings, eMBee.

Mar 21, 2007
4:59 AM EDT
While I loath the fact that politicians get _any_ benefit from F/OSS, I would rather they be strung by surgical tubing from the lamp-posts and snapped so their heads dent the posts, I respect the meaning of the GPL's "no limitations on use" statement.

The fact that Windows has been so widely used in government gave me great joy, knowing how much pain and suffering the bastards had to put up with. But oh well, they just tax me more to pay for the squadron of MCSEs.

I keep OLWM installed for just those times when I want something to remind me of my first real UNIX experience, SunOS on a SPARC-2 in 1992. It's too bad that the window manager options don't seem to stay changed, I'm sure it's just a matter of hardly anyone using it or filing bug reports against it any more.


Mar 21, 2007
7:41 AM EDT
I'll simply say that I certainly do not share the author's feelings - not in any way, shape, form or fashion.

Mar 21, 2007
8:33 AM EDT
Good point, DC. It's difficult to disagree with someone on every point, but other than better spelling it could have been written by Enderle.

Mar 21, 2007
8:35 AM EDT
> other than better spelling it could have been written by Enderle.

Pen name?

Mar 21, 2007
8:40 AM EDT
It's osweekly. They've got enough guys who write like they're drunk, without having to go for the big money types like Enderle. No way osweekly has the money to bid his time away from Microsoft.

Mar 21, 2007
1:54 PM EDT
So apparently Linux is no longer cool because the French Government is switching to it? The author is an idiot...

Mar 21, 2007
2:14 PM EDT
No. Linux is no longer cool because any government is switching to it. To be perfectly honest, I'm awfully nervous about my representatives running around loose with Windows. That's just plumb scary! And then to think that a number of government offices depend on it, too? I just wish there was a safe country to move to. ;-)

Mar 21, 2007
2:22 PM EDT
> The author is an idiot...

Well, we all agree on that one.

Mar 21, 2007
2:34 PM EDT
I disagree. I think he is very intelligent. I do think he may have suffered some head injuries in the turbulence during the flight to/from Paris. I don't know how they say, "fasten your seatbelts" in French, but maybe he should have learned.

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