A good read

Story: Reduce your Linux memory footprintTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Feb 03, 2007
1:42 PM EDT
This article provides some tips for making the most out of older hardware with limited memory. I liked the added feature of comparing memory requirements of some popular browsers, office suites, and instant messaging clients. Memory hogs rise to the top! :-)

Feb 03, 2007
1:58 PM EDT
I liked learning about Exmap (http://www.berthels.co.uk/exmap/). The article describes how this tool shows memory usage for all apps on the system, taking into consideration their use of shared libraries. I tried it and it opened my eyes about a few of the apps I use regularly.

Feb 03, 2007
6:41 PM EDT
Btw, you can use pmap (comes standard in procps) to give you info on writable pages in use. It's easier than running awk on the /proc/(pid)/maps file, and useful when doing embedded development as it's those writable pages that count against you - the rest can be loaded back in from the fs but you hit the wall with writable pages.

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