This looks interesting

Story: A Vista vs. Linux MatchupTotal Replies: 2
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Jan 26, 2007
12:25 AM EDT
I'll be very interested, but I suspect,not all that surprised, to see the results of this "test".

BTW, has anyone here spent ant time at all on the LinuxDesktop forum at

The people posting there seem to be a bunch of Microsoft zealots.

Jan 26, 2007
6:48 AM EDT
Unless it's changed, they're a bunch of ignorant MS zealots. I used to go there every so often, but the level of the conversation wasn't very interesting to me. When every other post talks about how using Linux requires you to know all the details of your hardware and that you compile all your packages before installing it's not really worth my time.

Jan 26, 2007
11:22 PM EDT
That's pretty much my opinion of them. There seems to be a group who spend all their time spreading old FUD about Linux Desktops, some of the stuff wasn't even true when i first started using Linux towards the end of 2000.

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