Wow, I am speechless

Story: Novell 'Auto' Builds Linux For AllTotal Replies: 2
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Jan 25, 2007
12:55 PM EDT
This is great and dandy, but shouldn't Novell be spending time and effort on getting their distro. packaging more streamlined and easier than it has been for a while? YaST used to be the best, but after Synaptic and others, YaST has been left behind. Novell has a LiveCD, but you can't install Suse from it, you have to download 5 ISOs to intall Suse, or do a network install which could be cumbersome for some. Its update is not the easiest any more since we still have to deal with rpm dependency nightmares. I guess they started to feel the heat and wants to counter Linspire CNR offer?

Quoting:"One of our future goals is to even make packages for Windows at some point in time,"
Wow, it will even support Windows packaging. I am impressed. Any how, it is FOSS and all developments are good and beneficial. I hope they come up with a product that is better than all others.

Jan 25, 2007
1:21 PM EDT
> I hope they come up with a product that is better than all others.Wow, it will even support Windows packaging. I am impressed. .. I hope they come up with a product that is better than all others.

It would take some remarkable talent and determination to come up with something worse than Windows!


Jan 25, 2007
2:29 PM EDT
Abe, I believe there have been discussions on opensuse's lists about such things. Community is a good and bad thing. Novell is NOT responsible for creating the installable live CD. You and I are.

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